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  1. Your gutters need realignement so they drain properly. That is not a big job, but should have been done when your roof was replaced. You just have to make sure they slope down towards the downspouts, just a little is all it takes. Usually the gutters have supports that screw into the fascia below the roof. Bending those appropriately will normally be enough to fix the problem. Note that the problem often arises when snow and ice accumulate in the gutters. That adds considerable weight, which distorts the initial installation.
  2. Anything that they can catch, mostly other insects and spiders, but also worms and small lizards. Their poison helps dissolve the tissues of their prey, so it is easy to ingest. I'd guess the big ones will take small mammals as well, although shrews predate them.
  3. They are harmless, plus they don't make noise. Still, you might worry if you have some rare tapestries stored in a damp basement, these guys will eat anything.
  4. Afaik, they are not attracted to household life, too little food. But they do like trees, often find good sized meals there. I know people who had scolopenders drop on them, very unpleasant experience even disregarding the pain.
  5. They don't do pairs, the females do all the work, the males are off duty once they have mated. If you have standing water in your gutters, that is a problem, free water and nearby nest space, just takes a bit of digging. Food wise, they are not particular, think tree blossoms are preferred, more of them than the garden plants.
  6. Agree that they are really off putting to most of us. But they have their place, hopefully not in the kitchen or dining room. They like dark spaces and they prey on other arthropods, spiders, roaches etc. If you get a surge of them in spring, it may be because your house is the best place for finding food, they may be getting rid of creepy crawlies you do not know about. However, if your garden and basement are damp, your house may simply be their lifeboat. They do not flourish when things are wet.
  7. They are a nuisance, but they do eat the various smaller creatures often found around the house, such as silverfish. They are otherwise harmless, unlike their 8" plus tropical counterparts, which have a nasty bite.
  8. Check your soffits, these bees were boring holes there and building their homes around my eaves. They are not colony minded, so each bee has its own hole. Al the end of a season, there are many holes.
  9. Am I correct that there is absolutely no current evidence of the projected decline? The chart here has a huge change between 2030 and 2050, but nothing before then.
  10. How come weather maps don't routinely show the fronts any more? They used to be a fixture on the daily forecasts, not so much any more.
  11. That machine is on display in Athens, along with some really fine computer imagery of how it worked. It is truly a marvel, both conceptually as well as practically it is a marvel. Note that it had multiple gear trains, precision crafted to replicate the movements of the planets. The instructions were on the box, they were only discovered in the last couple of decades.
  12. Northern California has been getting sustained rain for the last three days, if the radar maps are to be trusted. Has anyone any insight as to whether that is materially more than usual?
  13. A dusting to maybe an half inch of very fine snow on the UES in Manhattan. Snow is continuing at a slow rate at 9.00PM..
  14. The memory hole concept is alive and well, especially in DC.
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