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Snow haven

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About Snow haven

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    rockingham, NC

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  1. There is a December Obs thread!
  2. Lightning and thunder here in Rockingham, along with heavy rain!
  3. We can’t even get models to agree a day before a storm. Definitely not trusting anything this far out!
  4. 34.3 here in Rockingham, rain, roads are going to be a mess tonight, supposed to be 32 here tonight.
  5. 30 and frzn rain here in Rockingham,NC a little sleet on the ground…no snow :(
  6. Sleeting here in rockingham temp is 42
  7. Oh that will change!! Trends were good for the first part of the week being the coldest air of the last 3 years...you see how that worked out!
  8. Yes please!!!! I’m in Richmond Co, NC so I’m right on the borde on another note we were forecast for 68 today but only reached 56
  9. I’m in Rockingham, so we shall see!
  10. So which model ended up doing better with this last system?
  11. Just rain here in rockingham but some sleet mixed in
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