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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. Past 10-12 days have been perfect up here in PWM. Only precip has been at night. Been in/on the water each day, either lake or ocean. Only used 2 PTO days, too, one each of the past 2 Fridays. All that is to say: GWLH. 8/21 - 77/53 - T 8/22 - 73/49 - T 8/23 - 77/49 8/24 - 79/57 8/25 - 81/55 - 0.01" 8/26 - 79/57 - 0.09" 8/27 - 79/58 - T 8/28 - 86/60 8/29 - 71/52 8/30 - 70/49 8/31 - 75/50 - 0.04" 9/1 - 83/64
  2. Another glorious summer day. Managed to hit 84, but a lot more wind today. You can tell the change in airmass by the visibility of MWN (straight above the float ladder).
  3. Exactly. The buzz is fun and all but at this point in the season the quiet is a nice relief.
  4. Last 5 days here in PWM/ME have been arguably the best of summer. All highs between 77-81 with a touch of dews, comfortable sleeping weather in the upper 50s, full sun every day - only precip was last night with 0.09" (clouds rolling in on the 2nd pic). Best part is all the tourists are mostly gone with school starting this week (for them, not us). Noticeably less water traffic on Sebago Fri/Sat, with water temps in the upper 70s; no crowds at the water park with the kids on Sunday; and quiet beaches and relatively warm water in Scarborough the past 2 nights.
  5. Only beaches I've experienced mosquitos is on the mid-coast of Maine. Midday, full sun, and a stiff sea breeze wasn't enough to knock them down, either. Unbearable.
  6. Love hearing the 2007-2008 comparison. Just need to hold the look for another 2,400 hours.
  7. Just teasin' Sorry about your doggo, hope he heals up soon!
  8. Everyone focused on the stogie and brew and jeans... nobody wants to talk about the little bottle of lube?
  9. Do umbrella policies cover flood damage outside a flood zone? I always assumed that's what those were in place for.
  10. I've seen them referred to as Labor Day ants. Only had them once here. Think it's sporadic. Tons of monarchs and honeybees and beetles here, as usual. Only notable difference this year has been the influx of dragonflies. First year we've had them. Consequently, very few mosquitos.
  11. christ, what hole did the roaches crawl out of?
  12. had to look it up. scary. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/07/arts/music/taylor-swift-concert-terror-plot-vienna.html
  13. Don't blame him, he was only parroting what he saw on Twitter 20 minutes before.
  14. Wouldn't know where to "buy" a "stock" even if I wanted to.
  15. You called a spade, and he gets sensitive about that. He blocked me a year or so ago. "goodbye" means he probably blocked you, too.
  16. Even here, 3 miles from the coast, it's a necessity. Pumps getting installed here in a few weeks. And, yeah, perfect summer for freshwater recreation. I spent the last week up in your neck of the woods camping and exploring several of those small spring-fed ponds in Denmark/Bridgton/Sebago. Some actual hidden gems.
  17. My #s are similar, little less MTD before this AM. Now over 2.10" on the day. Might sniff my 6/1-7/22 total of 3.73" if this keeps up.
  18. Picked up as much in the last hour (0.80") as I have month-to-date (0.87").
  19. Could you share the link for that? Would like to see Casco Bay. TIA.
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