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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. RIP James Originally performed by Ghosts of the Forest
  2. "We’re Not Ready for the Next Pandemic We’re learning the wrong lessons from the search for COVID-19’s origins." https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/wx5ndx/china-coronavirus-origins-who-mission Superior, insightful article written by a Chinese scientist, Yangyang Cheng, who works in the US. Cheng adds a much needed geopolitical analysis to the ongoing debate regarding the search for the origins of the virus. She raises important issues regarding sovereign authority, genetic resources, and cross border data sharing. A quote from one of Cheng's closing paragraphs: (To be clear, Cheng doesn't pick sides regarding lab leak vs zoonotic theories) "The novel coronavirus originated in nature. It has no agenda, no morals or political belief. Its presence among our species is a result of human activity. It is an indictment on all of humanity that when confronted with a common threat, the immediate response from governments has been more artificial divisions to determine who deserves to live and who must die. In the eyes of a state, security is not about preserving life but sustaining power. People are sacrificed to secure the fragile pride of a flag. The future is bartered to fulfill capitalism’s endless demand for profit. Truth gives way to partisan motives." I share the quote as an enticement to read Cheng's article; it's not worth offering commentary on just that quote if you haven't read the whole article.
  3. Stein right in your eyeball. https://mobile.twitter.com/growingwisdom/status/1396396772801527808
  4. let the weeds run free. clover, dandelion, violets - let 'em grow. a nice diverse landscape for the pollinators. harming the environment... savages!
  5. They are delivered with an ice pack, which is why the shipping cost is a bit higher. As long as you don't let them sit on your porch for a whole day in the sun they'll be OK.
  6. "Nature's Good Guys" - https://www.amazon.com/NaturesGoodGuys-Beneficial-Nematodes-Triple-Blend/dp/B086683PNS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Beneficial+nematodes&qid=1619006903&sr=8-3 There are several different types of Nematodes for different types of pests, these ones treats grubs and more. The "Hb" type treats for Grubs, and they do sell a package with only that type of Nematode. They sell them by the million and I believe the rate is 50 mil /12,500 square feet. I'm fairly certain they're Chicken-safe, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm interested to know now, though, as we just got chicks. They won't be outside for another 6 weeks and I didn't treat any areas that are near their run, so low-risk even if they aren't chook-safe.
  7. Is that earlier than normal for your locale? That means they're not far away for me up here, seems early though
  8. Super easy. They're essentially microorganisms that attack the specified insects. They come in a powder, which you need to refrigerate if you're not going to apply immediately. I'd recommend being home on the delivery date to receive and store appropriately. Mix the powder with water in a can (gently), and apply to the affected area. They'll stop the damage from spreading within a day or two. Scooter mentioned Milky Spore, which is also effective, but can take several seasons to establish. Nematodes have immediate results and don't harm the environment.
  9. @Lava Rock, if you put down nematodes you can seed immediately. they'll attack cinchbugs, too. grubex is for environmental anarchists
  10. definitely looks like grubs, lava. Get some Nematodes and treat the areas before you replant anything. https://www.amazon.com/NaturesGoodGuys-Beneficial-Nematodes-Triple-Blend/dp/B086683PNS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Beneficial+nematodes&qid=1619006903&sr=8-3
  11. That's great, @OceanStWx. We were in the same boat and made these in the fall, and will be planting in them this spring. Any and all grass in these pictures will go the same way as materials become available. Not sure if Portland does the same, but we contacted SoPo public works and they dropped about 3 yards of woodchips for us from tree work around the city.
  12. https://growmyownfood.com/lasagna-gardening-101/
  13. If you haven't already, definitely look into sheet mulching/lasagna gardening. Great way of turning a lawn into productive gardening with materials you have on hand or can acquire easily and inexpensively. We do sections of our lawn as materials (cardboard, compost, woodchips from the city) become available.
  14. bring it, we're ready. our clinic has been churning out >800 shots a day on a staff of <20. we crush. exhausting but rewarding.
  15. I think most people are "over it" and have been for a long time. People accepted the risk (real or perceived) and moved on. Take a drive around any suburban neighborhood at 9 on a Saturday. You'll count several driveways 10-15 cars deep with people gathering inside. What's curious is you have just about every Northeast state at the top of the "wrong direction" list - https://globalepidemics.org/key-metrics-for-covid-suppression/ - and the states with far fewer restrictions towards the bottom. Why is that? Population density? Adverse affect of restrictions (people can't gather safely at events, so they gather unsafely in private)?
  16. WEEI's rating cliff dive over the past 2 years, and subsequent talent shakeups, can be solely attributed to a coordinated attack by an activist, the Boston Globe and red sox. I didn't listen to those guys, but if you're going to lob an accusation like that it'd be good to share why.
  17. Agree. I'm closer to my average just by virtue of having a lower one than you, but this winter was a dead ratter no matter how you slice it.
  18. sh*tty. Get a fire going nice and hot, say some kind words, and back away (it's gonna stink, literally).
  19. Spring is backdoor season around here. You will learn in time, young grasshopper.
  20. Kids crying into their stocking while Dad curses profusely trying to get the genny going and Mom starts drinking alone in the dark bathroom with the door closed?
  21. 12.7" as of 2PM on 1.24" liquid. Slightly lower ratio's than @OceanStWx but I believe I'm a little closer to the ocean than him.
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