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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 12 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    Portland has got be at 30” plus this year, right ? Maybe 35”


    I have to check but I'm almost positive I'm over 40" now.  PWM proper should be too as we were only off by an inch before this event. 


    Edit: yeah, 40.7" IMBY

  2. 15 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Beaches of maine will get above 32, but won't get much past there. The low will go along the path of least resistance. 

    Thanks, this is helpful.

    8 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Jesus take 2-4" and call it a day. 

    No complaints, just trying to learn!

  3. Trying to understand and follow along as best as possible, so I appreciate all the discussion. 

    If the cold isn't budging past 128, where is the modeled rain coming from for coastal Maine?  I'm assuming the cold budges once the low finally tracks overhead, yes?


    1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

    Noticing a trend in NE Mass of higher snowfall totals on the RGEM and HRRR type products.  

    Looks good for Ray's new hood.  Going to be a sharp gradient somewhere near there.


    That coastal front can sit right on my face

  5. 1 hour ago, OceanStWx said:

    The median values are like 10-11".

    The high end values are actually still quite high, because if it stays all snow there is still 18" potential. So their range just got wider. 

    Thanks, appreciate the intel.  

  6. 19 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    Can we start pulling down those 18-24" total now? what a hype storm. 9" modeled is a joke from where we were

    shouldn't have bought any hype anyways.  most on here were cautioning against such totals.

    regardless, classic Lava "meh-ing" a storm before it even gets underway.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    Can we start pulling down those 18-24" total now? what a hype storm. 9" modeled is a joke from where we were

    shouldn't have bought any hype anyways.  most on here were cautioning against such totals.

    regardless, classic Lava "meh-ing" a storm before it even gets underway.

  8. 4 minutes ago, WthrJunkyME said:

    This was only an hour ago.  They just lowered it again at 5:10!  Wish they’d get their act together......

    More important to get the best info out there vs inflate expectations only to crash them back to reality just before (or during) go time.  18 vs 20", not that big of a deal.  My expectations are 14/15" anyways.

  9. 1 minute ago, dryslot said:

    .30" qpf, Low 30's, Good luck

    Agreed, just not enough moisture to support much over 3".  Maybe a lucky locale will pull 4 if they see good rates and ratios.  I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those "radar looks like crap" storms, too.

  10. 5 hours ago, dryslot said:

    I try to report every 6 hrs, Clear the board on that interval and report to the WFO, Or when the storm ends, I'm also reporting to local TV affiliates so have to get them totals before they go live with their reports.

    Thanks, yeah I've been doing that as well although I think only one, maybe two events have gone longer than 6 hours this season lol

  11. 9 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    Hmm, In that case you can lose a lot from compaction, Melt or sublimation over that period depending on start and stop times for storm systems.

    For sure.  That's my concern with the PNS picking up my CoCoRaHS.   Doesn't reflect my true storm totals.


    6 minutes ago, backedgeapproaching said:

    Right, your not supposed to do it that way if you can help it.  Seems like he was home and able to measure...so should have reported 1.5"

    You're correct.  I'm almost always available to measure as I work around the corner from home and have the flexibility to step out.


    That info you posted is super helpful, thank you!  My first winter reporting through CoCoRaHS. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, backedgeapproaching said:

    When did you measure the 1.5" each day. Are you saying you measured 1.5 at night on 1/8  and 1/9 and then it sublimated down to .2 each morning when you measured?

    Essentially, yes.  I measured for my event total after snow stopped (or flipped to rain).  It was mid-late morning on both days.  So by 6AM the next day, it had melted down to .2.  Fine for CoCoRaHS,  misleading for the PNS that picks up my CoCoRaHS and reports it as an event total.

  13. 9 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    I'm not sure what the criteria guidelines are for CoCoRaHS reporting, I'm on the spotter network,  But probably, Steve (Ginx snewx) Tom (Tamarack) or Brian (Dendrite) can help out here.

    Yeah I brought it up last week and those guys kindly replied.  Basically said to take the once daily morning observation on CoCoRaHS as-is, compaction/melting and all.

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