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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. Some November stats for my locale, South Portland, ME Total Liquid Precip - 5.23" Snow - 0.00" (Trace on 4 days) Max 24 hr Precip (7A-7P) - 1.46" on 11/23 Days w/measurable precip- 12 Avg Temp - 42F Avg Hi - 51F Avg Lo - 33F Max Hi - 70F on 11/7 Min Lo - 15F on 11/19 Max diurnal - 31 on 11/30 (26-57F) Min diurnal - 5 on 11/26 (34-39F)
  2. Or cause it was warm inside. Ya know, for those foolish enough to have uninstalled before xmas.
  3. Lol this is why lololol https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-10-28/a-room-a-bar-and-a-class-how-the-coronavirus-is-spread-through-the-air.html?ssm=TW_CC
  4. If y'all start talking about eating my kin I am out of this thread so fast. Scallops, oysters, fine. You start talking about that dolphin-safe? Peace.
  5. That's a pretty black and white, broad stoke. One can believe in the steps and actions that reduce the risk of transmitting the virus AND also have a healthy skeptism of whatever vaccine is first to market. Also can you please elaborate on what "masked-up scared sheep" means?
  6. Put the leaves to work for you. Make them a part of a sheet mulching project (for spring gardening) or top your freshly planted garlic with them.
  7. Ha, it was great content and you did a really good job delivering it, and at an audience-appropriate level. I enjoyed it. You handled the questions pretty well at the end, too, which isn't always easy.
  8. What a nice surprise, @OceanStWx is doing my spotter training tonight.
  9. Apologies if this has been posted already. I found it sound and informative. https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-10-28/a-room-a-bar-and-a-class-how-the-coronavirus-is-spread-through-the-air.html?ssm=TW_CC If I had to guess, I suspect the recent surges (not just in the US) are due to relatively small, familial/friend gatherings indoors where all 3 measures in the article (masks, airflow, duration) are ignored.
  10. Wow, congrats SNE crew. What a storm (some knew, right?) Nada up here. But at least I'll sleep well tonight knowing my 0.0" today means I'll actually have a winter, while you all are toast for the season
  11. Nice! Just rain here in SoPo. 43/37
  12. Genuine question: do those filters work on both inhale and exhale? I thought the primary goal of wearing masks was to prevent you from potentially spreading it to someone else. 43°F off a low of 34°F
  13. I think you're dramatizing his idea a little. It sounds pretty responsible to me. Probably a good way to have a semi-normal holiday gathering without putting the family and community at greater risk. How does that make him a kool-aid drinker?
  14. "If it bleeds, it leads." I think COVID will continue to dominate the news regardless of who's in the oval office.
  15. Nothing wrong with questioning studies, or wanting to understand methodologies. But to me that graph is just common sense at this point, regardless of validity.
  16. Tourism didn't miss a beat in NNE this summer. In fact it felt busier in the PWM area than past years. The major outbreaks in Maine have been linked to Churches and a wedding, both where people were indoors and unmasked. I haven't heard of any outbreaks related to out of staters.
  17. Amazing photo. Wow. I remember sitting on Ferry in June a few years ago looking over the train tracks thinking "that's a curious cloud". When it hadn't moved 20 minutes later I realized it was the snow on top of MWN.
  18. I can walk a mile up the street and see it here in South Portland, as long as it's not shrouded in clouds.
  19. Hillside kills the rad cooling. Yep, and I'm in a relative pit at my spot. As much of a pit you can be in for the coast.
  20. I'm actually in South Portland, near the Scarborough line. I, too, am often the victim of the 7-10 split so not surprised to hear that.
  21. 0.04". Shocking .08" boo yeah. I think that pushed me over 5" since July 1 so I got that going for me.
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