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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. Some November stats for my locale, South Portland, ME


    Total Liquid Precip - 5.23"
    Snow - 0.00"  (Trace on 4 days)
    Max 24 hr Precip (7A-7P) - 1.46" on 11/23
    Days  w/measurable precip- 12

    Avg Temp - 42F
    Avg Hi - 51F
    Avg Lo - 33F

    Max Hi - 70F on 11/7
    Min Lo - 15F on 11/19

    Max diurnal - 31 on 11/30 (26-57F)
    Min diurnal - 5 on 11/26 (34-39F)

  2. 8 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    LOL at all the sudden anti-vaxxers. Gonna need to get Fauci up there to tell the masked-up scared sheep this is a good vaccine and they can receive it. 

    That's a pretty black and white, broad stoke.  

    One can believe in the steps and actions that reduce the risk of transmitting the virus AND also have a healthy skeptism of whatever vaccine is first to market. 

    Also can you please elaborate on what "masked-up scared sheep" means?

  3. 35 minutes ago, dendrite said:

    Genuine question: do those filters work on both inhale and exhale? I thought the primary goal of wearing masks was to prevent you from potentially spreading it to someone else.


    43°F off a low of 34°F

  4. 6 hours ago, PhineasC said:


    Yeah, for Christmas make grandma show her test results before she can sample the egg nog. 

    So dumb. Full kool-aid drinker here, folks.

    I think you're dramatizing his idea a little.  It sounds pretty responsible to me.  Probably a good way to have a semi-normal holiday gathering without putting the family and community at greater risk.

    How does that make him a kool-aid drinker?

  5. 43 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    You are entitled to your opinion. I think we will be able to judge for sure if this is a "horseshit conspiracy theory" by mid-January. Under your narrative, the media should be absolutely tearing into President Biden by that time. "Blood on his hands" and all that. I think we will see a major decline in COVID media coverage by mid-November depending on who wins. We will see.

    BTW, my statement has nothing to do with the actual virus. I am referring to the coverage and propaganda being beamed into everyone's homes. The virus is not a hoax, I am not arguing that. 

    "If it bleeds, it leads."  I think COVID will continue to dominate the news regardless of who's in the oval office.

    • Like 3
  6. Tourism didn't miss a beat in NNE this summer.  In fact it felt busier in the PWM area than past years.  The major outbreaks in Maine have been linked to Churches and a wedding, both where people were indoors and unmasked. I haven't heard of any outbreaks related to out of staters.

  7. On 10/11/2020 at 10:41 AM, MaineJayhawk said:

    Yeah, Ferry Beach in Scarborough is a sneaky place to see it too.  I took this image right at sea level on Bailey Island, 75 miles from MWN


    Amazing photo.  Wow.

    I remember sitting on Ferry in June a few years ago looking over the train tracks thinking "that's a curious cloud".  When it hadn't moved 20 minutes later I realized it was the snow on top of MWN.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    Only 0.08"? Where in Portland are you? I work over on Riverside across from golf course and it poured mod to hard for 30min. I figured at least 0.3" or more


    I'm actually in South Portland, near the Scarborough line.  I, too, am often the victim of the 7-10 split so not surprised to hear that.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    I tried calling CMP this morning, but hung up after waiting 5min. Unless you talk to a tech guy I doubt cust svc would know.

    Yeah I never bother to call as only time did an outage last more than a few seconds (3 hours).  Its not just y house either, the whole street/neighborhood goes down.

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