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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 47 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Even with the ever expanding vaccinations,  numbers are heading in the wrong direction again.


    I think most people are "over it" and have been for a long time.  People accepted the risk (real or perceived) and moved on.  Take a drive around any suburban neighborhood at 9 on a Saturday.  You'll count several driveways 10-15 cars deep with people gathering inside.

    What's curious is you have just about every Northeast state at the top of the "wrong direction" list - https://globalepidemics.org/key-metrics-for-covid-suppression/ - and the states with far fewer restrictions towards the bottom.  Why is that?  Population density?  Adverse affect of restrictions (people can't gather safely at events, so they gather unsafely in private)?

  2. WEEI's rating cliff dive over the past 2 years, and subsequent talent shakeups, can be solely attributed to a coordinated attack by an activist, the Boston Globe and red sox.  

    13 hours ago, dendrite said:

    D&C were racist a-holes. Minihane was a POS as well.

    Pretty sure Dale and Danielle were forced out and didn't exactly have plans to leave.

    I like Fauria and Merloni on my ride home, but could do without Ordway. I like Keefe as well, but I'm not a Gresh fan. I would've rather had Keefe and Hart.

    I didn't listen to those guys, but if you're going to lob an accusation like that it'd be good to share why.

    • Weenie 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    Very blustery and cold this morning, 6.3°F, This time of year if its going to be dry, Rather have it warm, This month has produced .01" of snow, If i don't see another accumulating snowfall, This will be the worst winter here in the last 20 yrs.

    Agree.  I'm closer to my average just by virtue of having a lower one than you, but this winter was a dead ratter no matter how you slice it.  

    • Like 1

    9 hours ago, dendrite said:

    Ugh. Just lost one of my young hens. Not sure what to do with her with the ground frozen...first one I’ve ever lost in winter. Sucks.


    Get a fire going nice and hot, say some kind words, and back away (it's gonna stink, literally).

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    That'd be awesome. Right now, I am expecting 10" of snow a month plus 1-2 warm cutters. LOL

    Spring cutter season starts soon, right? :axe:

    Spring is backdoor season around here.  You will learn in time, young grasshopper.

  6. snow stake is at 8".  If I were to do an official observation from the snowboard right now I imagine I'd be at 9", but not doing that until the next 6hr mark (2PM).

    Visibility is currently <0.15 mile. I can't see the radio tower that's that far away from my house.

    Despite not being under that sick band, radar looks fantastic.


  7. 4 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    Go to Pats Peak, just west of Concord.

    That's a good call.  Henniker, NH.  You can get there via 202, which is essentially a one-lane highway.  I wouldn't advise going up to Pats Peak in a sports car.  The roads to get there are winding.  "Downtown" Henniker might be good enough.  You can walk around there, too, by the river.

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