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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. That coastal enhancement really pounded last night. Still coming down right now too.
  2. 4.8" so far on 0.49" liquid. Love the stillness of measuring at this hour .
  3. Best flakes/rates of the event so far right now. Plus, the Pats didn't get skunked. Win/Win
  4. Some coastal enhancement happening right over PWM, can see it on radar. Eyeballing close to 4". https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-S_Maine-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  5. you know what's good, donkey? The fact that it's snowing out right now. s*** it.
  6. Started at 2PM at 37F in PWM. Down to 31F and guessing about an inch so far. Whitened up pretty quickly. Good growth and fairly wet snow.
  7. What's that little redeveloping feature showing up in the last 2 frames just off shore from Saco bay (south of Casco Bay). Point that sh*t at me, make it stationary, and let's get this party rockin'. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=subregional-New_England-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  8. Thanks for this explanation. Even if this system misses there is a lot to learn...thank you!
  9. We are 5 days into meteorological winter, you fooking twits. The Panic Room thread is ---->
  10. what are the signs i'm looking for to buy, if not today's dip?
  11. waiting for one last dip in BTC before i make my first buy and hodl. hoping todays the day.
  12. My general rule as well. Except for the snow blower. 6AM on weekdays, otherwise 8/9 on the weekend days respectively.
  13. Called in my first report (of a mere Trace) last night, GYX office closed within 30 minutes due to unforeseen circumstances. Not a good harbinger for the rest of the season!
  14. 20.8F, heh. Wish my little frost pocket mattered when it comes to coastal rain/snow lines...
  15. Use nematodes if you haven't treated yet. Grub Ex isn't always effective, not to mention you risk killing off a Possum, which eat tons of ticks.
  16. In layman's terms, what is "large exposure"?
  17. Yeah, no kidding. The first time I drove up that road after it was completely unrecognizable. So sad.
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