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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. timing would coincide with when numbers started to drop last year at the same time. post-holiday surge peaked on Jan 11 last year.
  2. 0.53" LE for 5.4" here... 7AM - 0.9" new, 0.13 LE 1PM - 4.4" new, 0.38 LE 7PM - 0.1" new, 0.02 LE
  3. yeah i think this puts me at 17.5" or so for the season, which is (i believe) only 3" or so BN for PWM.
  4. I almost put my 5 year old up for adoption when she came within 4 feet of my snowboard earlier. We settled on a perma-ban from the backyard while it's snowing. I have a backup board location but yikes, kid, show some respect.
  5. 5.3" new as of 1PM. Depth back up to 7" for the first time since Christmas Day.
  6. I wonder if he's clearing his board when he takes those hourly measurements.
  7. Can't take a measurement until 1PM (or when it ends, whichever is first), but I'm eyeballing 3" new based on the snow stake, which is at 4". Had 0.9" new at the 7AM observation.
  8. Did this thing chase the convection or nah? Asking for a CT friend.
  9. Not sure the this is the best guide, but WV doesn't show any weakening https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=regional-eastcoast-10-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  10. Followed this thread more close than I would in typical events. Just wanted to say THANKS to all the Mets and seasoned vets for their analysis, this has been an invaluable learning experience for me (at least leading up to go time).
  11. is it overdone on the model compared to radar, or is that just noise? wondering if truly weaker on radar that helps at all, or does its mere presence, regardless of strength, cause the low to chase?
  12. greetings, ski thread. I get out skiing once every few years. My buddy is having his bachelor party at Sugarloaf in March. From years past I seem to recall a website for discounted lift tickets to purchase in advance, but can't recall. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction? Many thanks.
  13. Good luck getting your vehicle fixed, or god forbid replaced (rental, new, used) anytime in the next 3 months. Just about the worse possible time to be in need of a body shop or parts.
  14. Thanks again. They definitely have their own personalities, but so far all 6 haven't minded walking on the snow pack, though only 2 of them have eaten it. That's good advice on the wintercare. I'm definitely more concerned since it's their first winter and real cold coming in next week. Appreciate the advice!
  15. Very helpful, thank you. The ridge of their coop is vented - there is about a two inch gap between the peak of the roof and the front/rear coop walls, so hopefully that's good enough but I will definitely keep an eye on it, probably do a test, to make sure there is enough ventilation. When we had that misery mist last weekend long they did get pretty wet one of the days, actually Sunday right before the front blew through. I was concerned so we took them in the garage, gave their feet and bottoms a wash, and dried them off with a light/low hair dryer. Threw some fresh straw on their "inner" enclosed run to make sure it was dry enough before the front came through. They seemed happy (and dry) Thanks again!
  16. @dendrite This is my first winter with chickens. I have buff orpingtons and lavender orpingtons. Do you do anything for your flock when it's as cold as it looks to be early next week? We do the deep litter method in their coop, so that gives off a little extra warmth at night, and they're a cold-hearty breed, but sub-zero lows give me some concerns.
  17. Agreed, but the 72 hours above freezing (already 24 hours in) will. Pack is pretty stout, but down to 4".
  18. Thanks, we used pelletized seeds this year which helped with germination, we think.
  19. Nice. These were our first year with Bolero and they came out great. We pulled them today because we're out, and the kids were excited to dig in the dirt. Carrots and said collapsed tunnel:
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