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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 4 hours ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Yes. That is the baroclinic zone. It’s just the area of thermal gradient where you get all the forcing and rapid development of the low. The way to not have it escape east is to weaken any front running shortwaves or energy and have the backside energy become dominant. This is kind of the issue on the current threat. We don’t have a really defined area of energy (usually seen as vorticity on the 500mb maps)....instead we have some weak impulses embedded in the trough. We really want the vorticity more defined near the base of the trough....that will naturally tend to happen of the trough becomes sharper so that is why we are rooting for that look. 

    Thanks for this explanation.  Even if this system misses there is a lot to learn...thank you!

    • Like 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    Has a Black Friday feeling in the market today 

    Vix volatility index broke out of a 18 month falling wedge last Friday and Since then the market has been up/down in a way that has preceded “bad times”

    Hopefully fed support lifts it 

    there are a record amount of trapped buyers who were rewarded for a year “buying the dip” and that strategy paid off till this week . Most inflows into stock market in a year ever and most leveraged market and now tons of trapped supply (buy the dip buyers who can’t buy this time )

    bad news today would be interesting to see play out 

    waiting for one last dip in BTC before i make my first buy and hodl.  hoping todays the day.

  3. On 10/29/2021 at 7:05 AM, PowderBeard said:

    Thinking it might be a good idea to throw some grub treatment down. Have a had an opossum in the yard eating the past three nights.  

    Use nematodes if you haven't treated yet.  Grub Ex isn't always effective, not to mention you risk killing off a Possum, which eat tons of ticks.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Hoth said:

    Well the Fed has put themselves in a real bind. The "transitory" thesis seems to be heading out the window. CPI continues to rise, all the while rates remain jammed at zero and easing continues at near record levels. Meanwhile, you have coinciding bubbles in rates, stocks, real estate and some commodities. With so much debt jammed into the system, the Fed no longer has much latitude to fight inflation, at least not without risking an implosion across several asset classes at once. Then again, inflation could do the work of its own accord, as corporations begin to suffer margin compression or demand destruction if end users won't stomach rapid price increases. The Fed will come under increasing pressure regarding its market friendly policies, which have jacked up the wealth of Fed members themselves, and the wealthiest 10% of Americans, increasingly at the expense of the middle and lower middle class. Pressure to pull forward rate hikes and cause a deflationary pop is going to increase in the next several months. Given the high correlation across asset classes, including crypto to equities, I would be sweating here if I had large exposure.

    In layman's terms, what is "large exposure"?

  5. On 11/6/2021 at 10:38 AM, Cmr29 said:

    Some of the damage from that tornado definitely strikes me as EF4. It appears as though it peaked on radar right around Brimfield where at least 2 homes were leveled.  A lot of the homes along the path were “sliders” but there’s at least 2 photos that clearly show anchor bolting around the foundation. I don’t have permission to show the other so here’s just 1. The tree damage is probably among some of the most impressive I’ve seen at least in photos. Max V-Rot was ~80-90 kts and a Delta/V of around 150 kts (172 mph). Given that and the damage at the ground it’s most certainly deserving of a lower end EF4. However I wasn’t on the survey.

    (source for the house damage). https://ryanhanrahan.wordpress.com



    Knew someone on Paige Hilll road that had their home leveled, and they were one of about 8 homes that were shredded to the foundation on that road alone.  

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