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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. We have an area that borders the woods just outside the fence in this photo that's our milkweed area. Similar to what @mreavesposted. This year we planted Mexican Sunflowers in the box adjacent to that area and we've been flush with polinators including monarchs, bees, hummingbirds and something I didn't know existed: hummingbird moths (second photo). I highly recommend these sunflowers for any pollinator garden.
  2. I wonder if the increase is pandemic-related. More inexperienced people taking to outdoor activities - thinking specifically things like kayaking and paddleboarding.
  3. For sure. I am not undermining the awfulness of the tragedy... People have to use common sense. Being in a car, sitting still, under 40ft white pines during a storm, no matter how severe, is not a good idea. Maybe they couldn't go anywhere else.
  4. somehow your lawn looks even worse from space
  5. there used to be a WxStem camera up high on a building at St. Joseph's College, would be a great shot for this as it's headed right for them.
  6. ruh roh This camera is missing in action. It may no longer be available for public viewing.
  7. First 90F this year here. 90/64F and AC finally installed yesterday.
  8. any chance this line in NH makes it to the coast or is the usual "foothills and seabreeze ensure 0 precip makes it to MBY" thing?
  9. Especially if you do it a week after the holiday. Absolute wankers.
  10. If you light off fireworks in a residential neighborhood (while there are public displays within 2 miles in any and all directions) you are a tw*t of the highest order. Or a veteran. F*ck.
  11. If this pattern keeps up, I might be able to avoid installing a single AC unit this summer.
  12. Thanks. The one Eaves posted was around $175 which is about what I'm looking to spend. My primary use case is temps, as well as rain when I'm out of town. Wind is a bonus for the few events we get a year. NWS hooked me up with the snow gear for PWM obs, covered there. Thanks for the rec!
  13. Asked differently... what weather station do you have? how d'ya like it? was it easy to install?
  14. Is there somewhere on this forum that has info about the various home weather stations that I can read up on? I have a stratus, mostly interested in temp and wind data. If not, what would you recommend?
  15. Yeah, feast or famine last summer. May, June, Aug were all BN. July was AN with 11" of rain. Sep was average. It comes out to be AN for the whole summer, but definitely didn't feel that outside July. https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps
  16. An untreated lawn is a happy ecosystem. Three different flowers in this one small spot, not including dandelion and white clover.
  17. I thought white clover flowered a bit later. Maybe in late June? I'd have my whole lawn clover if I could. That wild Strawberry is a great ground cover. It seems to dislike competition, as mine only grows where there's nothing else. The town sports fields adjacent to us has literal fields of that stuff. My kids will go pick and eat the some of fruit in a few weeks here.
  18. It's green and growing. Count it as a win.
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