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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. picked up a half inch in about 25 minutes
  2. 30.6F off a low of 30.0F My pepper plants would like a word with your people.
  3. Agree on that part. I fit that description and have hit 35°F twice this year, neither with a frost. Already down to 39.7°F, with a dew of 33, so we'll see.
  4. I guess I'm just well endowed acclimated. 58/51
  5. Not quite at the full shrinkage stage yet as Casco Bay is still very swimmable, at least from the beach. Guessing water temp around 58F? 70/51 COC city.
  6. BN since April but, as you said, absolutely fine this summer. (7/1 map includes a very dry July.)
  7. Without having visited myself, this was my thought as well. I strongly encouraged them to leave today, especially since they're only planning on staying until Saturday anyways. They said "we'll park the car in a high spot". Ok, good luck with that.
  8. I have family who drove from MA to Hilton Head, SC earlier in the week. Saying they're going to ride it out. How likely is it they won't be able to drive home due to a flooded out vehicle? Current surge forecast is 4-6ft.
  9. LOL, my coworker evacuated Anna Marie island yesterday to Miami. That would be...something.
  10. Based on current guidance, what areas are of most concern for storm surge? TIA
  11. At least give the guy credit ya donk.
  12. Mother Nature: "oh would you look at that! It's only been 84 years, better cancel what I had in store for SNE. Need to wait another hundred years. Drat."
  13. Is Halifax/NS as woefully unprepared for a storm like this as New England is?
  14. That's ugly, and obviously not doing anything to solve the issue. Those for-profit rehab centers are not the solution and sound like they mostly exacerbate it. I'm talking about non-profit detox (or outpatient) combined a long-term recovery facility or home. We have one in Portland and it seems to work well. There will always be people who cycle through, though, regardless of the setup. Very few people are successful achieving recovery on their first attempt.
  15. I think people are realizing this isn't a "poor person" issue - addiction impacts all walks of life. And at this point, there is no stopping it - and it's clear now that you can't arrest your way out of it. The best that can be done is having low-barrier support programs in place that offer help to those who are ready for it. Although funding and staffing for these programs are difficult to come by.
  16. That's about to roll through here. Would post the radar gif but it's barkin at me about size limits...https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=subregional-New_England-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined 58°F off a high of 80°F, 0.07" so far tonight.
  17. cue ginx coming in here telling us to stock up on canned foods for the 30th time this year
  18. I love it, wish it would take over more of my lawn than it already has.
  19. Early fall is the better of the two times of year to apply, but if you don't have visible grub damage (or are only finding 1 or 2 if you dig up some sod), you don't need to apply. Not chemicals, but I get what you're saying. They're pricey, too.
  20. Thanks. And for sure, I see them too. I think if you keep the growth short, it's not an issue with bees. We also have a ton of other flowers outside the yard that keep the bees out of the play area, even when the white clover is in bloom. I only made it 20 days or so into no-mow-May, because, yeah, that was NSFKids. Nothing wrong with aerating and overseeding, like you said, it's natural. I can trace the drainage from this yard straight to the bay 3 miles away, so no chemicals here either.
  21. Definitely awful. Lawn is plenty enjoyable without all that but I appreciate your concern.
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