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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. 2.0" /0.22" LE @ 7AM obs for PWM. 31°/25°, -SN Was 24° @ 7AM, so I wonder if the wind flipped out of the east because we shot up quick.
  2. No big changes to GYX map. brought the 6-8" contour a little closer to the coast.
  3. Booked a vacation for last week in March. I trained a backup observer but for their sake/sanity/sleep I really hope it's a quiet week.
  4. 0.9" with the 1PM obs. 27° and SN currently. Snowy weekend with observations each day (if not 6hr intervals) since Wednesday PM. Chooks less than enthused. Playing "chicken", in fact.
  5. Little IVT popping up providing some mood flakes Beats bitching about Tuesdays threat.
  6. I'm at 50% exactly (34.4"/68.7") and am bearish on getting >90%.
  7. 19° and nice to have things fresh again after 5.3" yesterday.
  8. 4.1" on 0.49" event total with the 7A obs. 18.9° and dropping. SN. See if we can catch the band dropping down from Lava land before this goes to showers for the day.
  9. Sleet line seems to be washing out. Drew this line at 455 and really hasn't advanced in the past 20.
  10. 0.3" at midnight after the first 90 minutes of precip. See where we're at come 7A.
  11. 30/15 and first few pixie flakes. That dried out area Dendrite/Coastal mentioned is concerning.
  12. They usually don't go making big changes to graphics this close in. Took me from 6.0" earlier today up to 7.3".
  13. little Ditty quiet today. must be on his way to the dispensary for ginx.
  14. The "Those guys can't hear us, right?" tells you he knew what he was about to say is wrong, but still went for it anyways.
  15. That was my reaction too. I don't care what your political affiliation is. If you hear that and think "not a racist comment" you're completely delusional, intentionally kidding yourself, or just lazily going with the "hurr durr woke mob cancel culture" layup line of thinking. People need to be held accountable for saying these things. Otherwise you give it the green light in the future.
  16. Wife and kids are supposed to drive PWM to Dendrite land via 95>101 Thursday early afternoon. Precip rates look light at that time, so I'm assuming crews will be able to stay on top of road conditions. Keep seeing cold tuck and mixed precip, which is my concern. Bad assumption/idea to drive?
  17. Anecdotally...and fwiw... I've been tracking GYX forecast amounts to actuals for PWM this year (and last) after (Chris, I think?) mentioned they have an over-forecast bias. This year they've been remarkably accurate. They are under-forecasting to the tune of 7.6", half of which came on the 12/16 event. They have only over-forecast on the 1/25 event (by 2.3")
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