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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. My solar production really took off today with full sun and especially that extra hour of daylight.
  2. It does. I've never seen a pack so "ripe" yet I'm able to stand on top of it without breaking through (when it's below freezing).
  3. Lol and I don't take my obs downtown where it's nothing but brick and pavement. These aren't my personal obs, or "opinion". My only point is - and I said it last week when he was saying it'd be gone by Thursday - those maps don't always reflect the accurate depth. He's a smug dink who calls the mets here clowns but can't handle a little push back himself. 30/23. Stake says 4-5" this AM but I don't read verbatim. Average is over a larger area (which is now officially 2")
  4. Psst my average depth at 12z was 3". In case you forgot, today is Sunday.
  5. Stake is at 4" at sunset (I am quite literally PWM).
  6. Even the initialization of the graphic has PWM at 3-6". PWM was 10" this AM.
  7. Legit cold. -- What's interesting on that map is the temp gradient between SLK and BVT the same as CAR and PTOWN (22°).
  8. Average pack in PWM is 11", down from 20" exactly 2 weeks ago. In that time we've had no new snow, two days in the 50's, several more in the 40's, and 0.49" rain. With the cold today, I was able to walk on top of the pack without breaking through. And I'm not NNE climo - far from it. My point is: the pack across NNE will need a lot more than this cutter to make any kind or significant dent.
  9. LOL @ "warm enough to wear shorts". What a wildly subjective metric to use to prove a point. Especially from a supposed MET.
  10. Friend of mine lived on Route 20 in Brimfield during the 6/1/11 outbreak. Said the same. In fact was what made him look outside and immediately go to the basement.
  11. Full 6+ weeks earlier, too. Congrats!
  12. You might appreciate the cloud that rolled through PWM about an hour ago.
  13. Depth in PWM this AM is 12". Will still be here Friday.
  14. The words say drinks but dryslot's eyes say weeeeeed. Enjoy guys.
  15. Only a Trace here but pack didn't budge, even with 0.45" rain. Average depth is 13", which is what it was this time Thursday.
  16. Even down here. Went ice fishing on Great Pond in Cape the other day - less than a mile from the Atlantic - and the thickness of the ice was 16-18". We've hit 50F twice this week, but I'm assuming the ice will be safe to fish this weekend. Can't imagine it being that damaged from a few warm days and PC skies.
  17. Wow, managed to get down to 27° for the low early this AM. Average pack depth is down only 1" from yesterday, even with a high of 54°, average depth is now at 14".
  18. Average depth was at 15" this morning. Probably 13", maybe 12" tomorrow morning. GFS is a little more interesting for Thursday here, fwiw.
  19. Awesome. The AC alone is going tk be worth it, can't wait for that. However I SHOCKED to hear your bill wasn't over a thousand dollars like that one guy on facebooks.
  20. Not really. You're not getting any more or less accurate that way. Make multiple measurements on your board and record the average to the tenth. NWS has us going to the tenth on new snow and whole on depth.
  21. Glad I went the heat pump route. Installed solar and heat pumps in December. Have paid <$100 in electric in total since. Even with solar minimum it's covering 90% of my electric costs WITH heat pumps.
  22. No kidding. Looked like a SWFE on 'roids.
  23. Agreed. After the last several years this is such a welcomed gift.
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