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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    South Portland, ME - Elev: below sea level

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  1. T new, depth 0" - PWM Congrats SNE wieners. Will be weird driving south watching the ground go from brown to white.
  2. The mark below the half inch hash is not .4 you absolute bafoon.
  3. Yes, but not by much. 500-900' in Sturbridge vs. 600-1000' in Holland/Wales.
  4. Hoping any ramp up will help me on the coast, gonna be tough as is.
  5. 35°F You don't realize how accustomed you get to cloudless nights (and days, I suppose). Stars back out tonight and it feels like months since I've seen 'em.
  6. We just did a service project picking up trash on Old Orchard Beach. We picked up over 700 butts, in less than 2 hours, covering about a mile of beach. Couldn't believe it. Also, as a former smoker and former vaper, vaping made me feel much worse. I could feel the cancer literally forming in my mouth. Quit that shit in a hurry. This was 9 years ago, so maybe things are different now.
  7. And not 1 but 2 "sad" reactions. You can't even discern what the gifs are...so why have em?
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