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About Snugharbor

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    Wakefield RI

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  1. Growing up in the late 80s/early 90s it felt like I used to go to bed with 3-6 on the table on the 11pm news all the time. Would wake up and throw on Salty Bryne on WPRO hoping for school announcements and somehow the damn storm didn't materialize...sometimes at all. I literally had a single snow day from 6th grade through the end of high school in RI. Was a really DOA time for storms down here (and whatever did fall seemed to happen on weekends or vacations)
  2. That reminds me of going to school here from 1987-93
  3. Newport Bridge just gusted over 70 according to local news That line finally moved just east of here and it means business. Its still blowing but not as intense as it was a couple of minutes ago.
  4. Absolute drenching. The south side of my house sounds like I'm driving through a downpour. Insanity if you're in this band, with some thunder still moaning here and there.
  5. Thunder and a bit of lightning about down here. Looks like the worst is blowing through right now, rain pounding again.
  6. Absolute deluge down here in coastal RI. It's breezy but not crazy with the winds -- whatever momentum they generate seems to be killed by the downpours.
  7. We had a blast of 60-70 mph winds down here in southern RI about an hour ago. Westerly Airport was 65, hit 70 at Conimicut Point. Shook the house and uprooted a big tree at our neighbors near by. Goes to show this may have been tagged as a "Wind Advisory" but it delivered far more than the HWW of the previous two events. Must've just been in the right spot. 10K without power also in RI mostly down here but somehow we've managed to avoid an outtage...thankfully. Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  8. Kudos to you! In RI the outtages are so far decidedly away from the coast. Gust to 59 at Conimucut in Warwick. Seems to have an extra kick away from the shore so far. Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  9. Figured I'd dig out one more old hurricane special from the VHS archive before the season is kaput...enjoy the Almacs and Benny's footage if nothing else
  10. Piling on the sunset shots from tonight...picked the right night to hit Champlin's in Galilee. Block Island Ferry had seemingly less than a dozen on it as it rode in
  11. It was gustier here 4 hours ago than it is now...still breezy but the white caps have diminished quite a bit.
  12. Very breezy near Pt. Judith down here. Wonder if Lee is blowing itself out/speeding up ahead of schedule (wouldn't be the first time). Also VERY cool and dry, like someone just flipped the switch to hardcore Fall.
  13. All this Lee talk got me to upload some hurricane docs. Put up a pair of 38 specials, one the WSBE broadcast Wake of 38 (produced in 1978 its pretty dated but has some great stuff in it) along with a decent History Channel special back when it actually aired programming related to history. Lol
  14. NHS canceled storm surge watch for Cape and Nantucket Also canceled TS watches west of Westport
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