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Everything posted by chris21

  1. Mesos look pretty juiced for the 95 corridor. A general 2-4 across all of them.
  2. Still coming down in Davis with blowing snow significantly reducing visibility. Has been snowing for nearly 48 hours straight.
  3. Still pouring snow in davis. Blizzard conditions continue with maybe 18-19 inches of snow but really difficult to tell. The drifts are really impressive… at least 4-5 feet, some prob higher.
  4. Can confirm! I'm about three miles north of whitegrass and conditions have shockingly worsened (considering it was already a whiteout) over the past few hours. Vis is maybe 50-75 yards. I'll try to attach some pics in bit.
  5. Light to moderate snow In Davis at 20 degrees. Sleet mixed in for about an hour earlier this evening but has changed back. The wind has been fierce all night with significant blowing and drifting of snow. 2 foot plus drifts pretty common.
  6. Blizzard conditions in Davis with heavy snow. Gusting to at least 35-40. Wind has really picked up recently. Temp around 19. at least 5 inches of new snow but tough to tell with the drifting.
  7. Thanks man. We’ll be interesting to see the differences between davis and deep creek. Pretty wide variety of possibilities still at this point.
  8. I’m down in Davis, 23 and light snow. Ridges have decent ice build. Light freezing rain at 24 degrees made the drive in on 48 pretty dicey.
  9. Low position is significantly further north at 105.
  10. While very true, this pattern has already dropped ten inches of snow on dc one week into January.
  11. again, I’m not sure you’re looking at the latest 12z GFS run. I see far more than an inch accumulated in the next 384 hours and no fewer than three distinct threats with cold air entrenched essentially throughout the run.
  12. Are we looking at the same weather model? The 12z GFS is a dream in the extended. All of that snow predicted on the first two frames fell yesterday.
  13. Awesome! Enjoy, check out hellbenders and stumptown while you are there. @jonjon
  14. As someone who used to live out there and goes several times a year… if you have four wheel drive and you’re experienced in driving in the snow you’ll be fine (the visibility will be zero without a doubt once you climb Mt. Storm and summit the Allegheny plateau). If not you will have serious issues because the snow will be very deep on corridor H.
  15. The HRRR is seriously chasing convection (could be dead on). But it’s low track compared to the gfs is starkly different for -6 hours until snow starts falling.
  16. I used to live in Asheville and near the Tennessee border in Jackson county, NC. East Tennessee is a really tough place to number one forecast snow and number two get snow. The mountains often break up much of the moisture or the moisture skips east or west. The valley locations are much drier than the mountaintops (much like western Colorado). At this point, I’d assume it’s snowing up high and raining or dry in the valleys but don’t think it matters much as far as sensible weather in the dmv.
  17. GFS still holding quite steady. Wow.
  18. It’s 12z run snow maps are a bit wonky. It depicts .2-.3 qpf with temps below freezing and little or no snow accumulation.
  19. Got down to 21 in adams Morgan close to rock creek park.
  20. That ended up being an epic surprise storm for my current location at the time, Candler, NC (just west of Asheville). Forecast was for less than an inch and even though short range modeling picked up on a 2-4 deal at the last minute we ended up with 11-12 inches and then an inch or so of upslope that night with blowing snow and blizzard conditions.
  21. Ha! That’s the only thing we’re not due for. Maybe 10 heartbreaks a year since 2016?
  22. It might not end up helping us much, but Canada is frigid this go around whereas last year Canada was almost completely above normal.
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