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Everything posted by chris21

  1. Ended up with about an inch in Roaring Creek but hard to tell with all the blowing. I’d imagine we aren’t done up near 4000 feet on the border though considering it’s only March 7th. We had our first 1/2 inch back on Oct 15th
  2. I’ll be up there snowboarding Friday hopefully. You guys usually get a good bit more than I do, esp in marginal situations. The last storm Feb 20th we ended up with a bit more here. I’d imagine you’re in a prime spot for this one.
  3. I’m at 3800 in Avery on the border and I’d be shocked if we don’t get at least three inches.
  4. 25 this morning here. Been a relatively very cool prefrontal day here. 43 now with a very stout south wind already. I’d be surprised if I dont see 65-70 mph winds over the next couple of days and blizzard conditions tomorrow night.
  5. Decent storm up in the far western mountains of Avery. 2.5 inches yesterday and almost 4 so far today. Drifts are over two feet at this point and it’s very squally currently.
  6. Im measuring a snowpack of 5-6 inches here but my location is exposed and I have drifts to 2-2.5 feet. I’d estimate 4-5 inches new today. Been a whiteout most of the day and the temp has been bouncing between 10 and 14.
  7. Over two inches new so far. Just measured a 13 inch drift near the entrance to my driveway!
  8. Temp has fallen to 13 with heavy snow. At least one inch new.
  9. In my location I’ve found that often the colder the air, the better the upslope. It doesn’t always work out like that but it does more often than not.
  10. 2.5 inches here after compaction. Made it up to 32 today but kept the cloud cover and light snow so no melting to speak of. Let’s see what the ULL can do! Hasn’t stopped snowing since 5 AM and the upper Roan Highlands have been socked in all day.
  11. Nearing two inches here. Moderate snow. Temp is 26.
  12. Crazy wind up here and tons of blowing snow. Moderate snow with over an inch so far. 18.
  13. Still 32 here with zr continuing. A lot of ice now. Ill measure in the morning.
  14. 31 here with about a quarter inch of ice so far at least. Ice is continuing to accumulate on everything.
  15. 29 and moderate freezing rain. Ice is accumulating quickly. I am in a high sheltered valley on the east side of Roan highlands surrounded by 5500 plus foot peaks so cold air gets trapped in these situations.
  16. 28 and sleet/zr here. We had about a half inch of snow with a hard crust on top.
  17. Moderate snow with gusty winds. Temp 32. Rapidly accumulating.
  18. Guarantee I have plenty of winter left at 3800 feet on the Tennessee border.
  19. My temp just rose from 38 to 55 in 20 minutes!
  20. I was confident that would the case for the last storm in my location (far northern mountains) and Pensacola ended up with 14 inches.
  21. I have 31 inches so far about two miles from the Tennessee border in Avery County, NC but I’m at 3800 feet and over 70 percent of that was upslope.
  22. Absolutely! At my location, I’ve measured a bit over thirty inches (over 70 percent upslope) so far. Would be shocked to get blanked on upslope over the next few months with the likely MJO pass and seasonal trends.
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