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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. 11/15/18: 1.8" * Very early snowfall boom. 2-4 hours of on and off SN and then sleet. Expected T-0.5"

    1/12-13/19: 10.6" ^ Yet another boom. 30 hr event featuring up and down rates, killer WAA and ULL.

    1/17/19: 1.6" * Short lived system with decent rates. 2hrs of SN/SN+ in a 5hr system. 

    1/29/19: 2.1" * Arctic frontal passage boom. Gigantic flakes, 0.9" in an hour. 

    2/1/19: 1.1" * Another minor boom. Expected D-0.5". Tiny flakes with snow falling in the high 10s to low 20s. 

    2/10/19: 0.4" *

    2/20/19: 4.0" ^ Snow to sleet/freezing rain. Rates of 1-2"/hr during parts of the storm. Absolutely gigantic flakes.

    3/1/19: 0.5" * Revised due to NWS totals in my area.

    3/8/19: 0.8" Nice little March daytime event.

    Nov: 1.8" 

    Dec: 0.0"

    Jan: 14.3"

    Feb: 5.5"

    Mar: 1.3"

    Total: 22.9"

    *= Winter Weather Advisory


  2. What's this? Snow accumulating in March while above freezing? What a pure meteorological miracle! It's almost as if we have gotten snow above freezing this late into March, if not later before!


    0.2" and coming down good

  3. 12 minutes ago, yoda said:

    It had to happen sometime... I mean getting beat over and over again every time since 1994 in the playoffs... once in a while the other team finds some luck and gets a lucky win.

    Let me know when you are back to back champs... or win 5 Stanley Cups

    Baby steps

  4. 11/15/18: 1.8" * Very early snowfall boom. 2-4 hours of on and off SN and then sleet. Expected T-0.5"

    1/12-13/19: 10.0" ^ Yet another boom. 30 hr event featuring up and down rates, killer WAA and ULL.

    1/17/19: 1.6" * Short lived system with decent rates. 2hrs of SN/SN+ in a 5hr system. 

    1/29/19: 2.1" * Arctic frontal passage boom. Gigantic flakes, 0.9" in an hour. 

    2/1/19: 1.1" * Another minor boom. Expected D-0.5". Tiny flakes with snow falling in the high 10s to low 20s. 

    2/10/19: 0.4" *

    2/20/19: 4.0" ^ Snow to sleet/freezing rain. Rates of 1-2"/hr during parts of the storm. Absolutely gigantic flakes.

    3/1/19: 0.5" * Revised due to NWS totals in my area

    Nov: 1.8" 

    Dec: 0.0"

    Jan: 13.7"

    Feb: 5.5"

    Mar: 0.5"

    Total: 21.5"

    *= Winter Weather Advisory


  5. 11/15/18: 1.8" * Very early snowfall boom. 2-4 hours of on and off SN and then sleet. Expected T-0.5"

    1/12-13/19: 10.0" ^ Yet another boom. 30 hr event featuring up and down rates, killer WAA and ULL.

    1/17/19: 1.6" * Short lived system with decent rates. 2hrs of SN/SN+ in a 5hr system. 

    1/29/19: 2.1" * Arctic frontal passage boom. Gigantic flakes, 0.9" in an hour. 

    2/1/19: 1.1" * Another minor boom. Expected D-0.5". Tiny flakes with snow falling in the high 10s to low 20s. 

    2/10/19: 0.4" *

    2/20/19: 4.0" ^ Snow to sleet/freezing rain. Rates of 1-2"/hr during parts of the storm. Absolutely gigantic flakes.

    Nov: 1.8" 

    Dec: 0.0"

    Jan: 13.7"

    Feb: 5.5"

    Total: 21.0"

    *= Winter Weather Advisory



    I'd imagine climo is somewhere between 18.5-20.5" for my location but regardless I am now above climo! 

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