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Everything posted by Cobalt

  1. GEFS has continuously been getting juicier for the 28th threat. I'd imagine some good hits fit into that mean. One thing of note was the higher heights leading into the storm compared to 6z. This 6z's wettest panel FWIW
  2. Hope this is good. Captures most of the system, although I couldn't compress the GIF enough to fit the end of the storm.
  3. Something to watch out for on the Euro/EPS. The GEFS/GFS are insistent on making snow fly on the backend, meanwhile the Euro does the exact opposite. Wonder which caves to which.
  4. GEFS 850s compared to 6z during the storm. Certainly colder Here's the snow mean to go with it
  5. Wow.. that system hitting a brick wall with the 50/50 low is a thing of beauty. Intensifies to a 978mb low pressure a fair bit offshore, but I'd imagine the precip would be more expansive than what is depicted. Great run for an op at this range though
  6. And then a 996 off of Hatteras but the main slug of snow is in Pennsylvania :p. Although the main takeaway is that it has the storm. Interesting evolution too.
  7. TT is running late for the GFS and I can't figure out a lot of the WxBell panels, but here's the GFS surface depiction at hr 165
  8. It's interesting that while the Euro insists that DC's best chance of blue is the front end thump, meanwhile the GFS insists on crashing 850s on the backend and turning to snow then. Is it too weenie to ask for both of those scenarios to combine? :p
  9. ICON suddenly trended warmer at 6z, but is back to a somewhat colder solution. It's a strung out mess however, yet it still manages a med range WWA snowfall for many
  10. Euro whiffs on our 28th wave but has an interesting intensifying low pressure on the 31st at hour 240. Wonder if that's why the EPS has two distinct waves during that 4 day period.
  11. 18z EPS seems like it made another jog nw.. probably not gonna make many friends here
  12. The GFS/GEFS never had it put together in the first place
  13. So did the Para, but the Para is a Euro-like solution lol. Actually it keeps frozen much closer to us for a fair bit of the storm, wonder how close it is to a really good solution
  14. The snow mean was pretty similar, but I still agree on what you said with the change in the individual members from the EPS. For our region the chances of 1" of snow went up, but the chances of 6" of snow on the EPS went down. I'd imagine this suggests that our ticket to success is the front end thump with way less members holding onto thermals
  15. We're basically in 144hr EPS range, so that 6z EPS also gets a chance to gave to the gfs too
  16. Onset is 138hrs, within 6 days! Still feels like an eternity considering how much models have liked to drop storms, but we might have momentum on our side, given that the GEFS got closer to a Euro solution, Canadian has stayed solid, and so has the Euro/EPS.
  17. 0z EPS is a great improvement.. awaiting snow means but def a fair more solutions like the Euro.
  18. Way less lakes lows on the individual members, a step in the right direction for sure
  19. 18z EPS at 132 Compared to 18z GEFS at 132 Spot the difference
  20. I'm pulling a Ji here, but it's rather comical that the three models that seem to leave us void of snow (GFS, Para, Canadian) for the 26th threat all decide to paste us with snow for the day 10 threat. We're bringing the boulder up the hill again, let's see how it ends this time
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