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Everything posted by curryb15

  1. Readings from my weather station in Scottsville VA!
  2. Charlottesville VA about an inch roads caved 28° .
  3. 30° about 12 miles east of Charlottesville (Scottsville VA) .
  4. I was surprised to! Here’s the current temp from the deck thermometer
  5. I’m in fishersville. It’s 19° heavy sleet with snow about 13-14” on the ground
  6. Fishersville VA elevation 1500 ft about a inch of snow on unpaved surfaces and snowing moderately
  7. Fishersville VA. I moved here from NY (Long Island) and have seen more snow here the last few weeks than the last couple of years in NY. theres about 5” on the ground. Elevation of 1500 FT
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