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Everything posted by DownpourDave

  1. euro verbatim is cold smoke! 18:1 ratios it seems like.
  2. maybe the NAVGEM finally gets one right. It obliterates the sub-forum with the CCB.
  3. through 84 hours it is clear euro will come north of 12z run. Better ridging in middle of the country.
  4. through 78 hours, the shortwave is more amplified with the heights out west being a little bit higher.
  5. The storm just entering the western United States at hour 63.
  6. My prediction for the euro is 6-12" area wide for our subform. Im going to bed see you all at 7 am.
  7. will you have a meltdown when the euro gives you 20 next run instead of 40?
  8. 2.13 inch bullseye for QPF. Assuming 12:1 ratios, that is still over 2 feet of snow.
  9. Still going at 159 hours. GFS is a mauling! Dead! Still going!
  10. Icon is amazing omg and that is 10:1 ratios. Verbatim Icon I believe would be 15:1.
  11. Icon is Iconic! Edit: this is based on precip maps. I have no idea if it is snow or not. Based off of SLP location, I would guess snow.
  12. Pretty much as good as a signal as you can get at this lead time.
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