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Everything posted by mulen

  1. 73 degrees yeah its cooling off for sure just a old timer checking in .
  2. Good morning folks hope all is well no overdosing on those snow goggles this season see ya down the road .
  3. Good morning folks not weather related just a old member from the beginning just curious is weatherfella ok ? Jerry
  4. I will call my cousin in Petersburg NY later guaranteed over 2 ft par for the course in these situations we laughed the other day when I told him the forecast for the week .local temp 70 with 98% humidity Port St. Lucie Florida.
  5. There are to many examples in these setups that 9 out 10 times the central Catskills and berkshires will always do much better than the coast just my experience nothing scientific and I live in Florida now .I used to live in queens I feel your pain lol.
  6. Hey unc many moons remember the old original forum on the weather channel we got kicked off then eastern weather wow time flies.Feeling the storm though even if it doesn’t effect me anymore I remember the anticipation I’m kinda jealous lol hope you all get walloped keep those snow googles on stay well.
  7. Tough forecast haven’t been here for a while living in s. Florida now the one overlooked fly in the ointment is sst temp and how far the low is off the coast .watch buoy readings it’s fun and could give a good indicator on the coast for mixing issues .
  8. 90's are a walk in the park enjoy . see ya
  9. Totally pasted and i'm in florida good luck gents a weather weenies wet dream.see ya
  10. Good morning folks this silly heat doesn't look good unc those analog years aren't blockbuster in cold times of the year but who knows for sure.Ma nature is very humbling even to the finest forecasters see ya,
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