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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Major lol at that euro map. It can't snow here
  2. I would take a damn sleetbomb over rain at this point
  3. Yeah, if I get more than my traditional 1" of inside the beltway slop on Thursday I'll be giddy
  4. I'd be irritated reading this post from anyone other than you, Jeb. I have been to Austin TX in July and I was cooked to my core in minutes in the midday sun there. And now you all get wintry precip at a colder temp than I've gotten any this whole season. Awesome, but damn it.
  5. This diagonal line SE of DC for the Euro next tues will verify, right?
  6. You're in the outside the beltway snow hole. Even worse there apparently!
  7. Nice little band of mood flakes hitting Silver Spring now.
  8. This is what this storm looks like inside the beltway snow hole. Most of what is covering the grass was already there after the initial 5-7pm burst last night.
  9. Snow in silver spring, grass and cars coated. Pavement wet. Overperformer
  10. Gonna go ahead and go out on a limb and say that wave 1 (thurs) gives MBY 2" of slush at the most and zilcho on the roads.
  11. That worked out well for us inside the beltway on sunday
  12. Roasty toasty 47 with the sun out here in Silver Spring. Hoping for some half decent overnight rates so we get some accums by thursday AM. Also hoping cloud cover tomorrow verifies. The ground is still relatively cold after our chilly/wet stretch, snow still hanging on in some grassy spots but prolly all gone after this afternoon.
  13. i grabbed wrong panel - updated post to reflect the correct 24 h window, but still not super juicy.
  14. Here's the 24 hour precip panel for wave 2. Less sluggy and much less dece than wave 1
  15. Pretty decebones slug of moisture for Wave 1.
  16. Yeah, 100% agree. I acknowledge I don't have the cred required to have input amongst the over 5k posters here, but wxtrix is straight up wxnasty and every time I read one of her posts I cringe. Archetypal troll
  17. Feels like dc/tkpk/dtss are always getting light-mod while rockville-sterling gets the heaviest of poundage
  18. Just flipped to snow from heavy rain near downtown silver spring.
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