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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Flurries in Silver Spring for the past 45 mins or so.
  2. Underrated post. Heard the song in my head
  3. If you like ice in DC-balt corridor. But yeah, big boy storm there.
  4. @dailylurkercalling it now. That e-w stripe thru RIC is actually an E-W stripe thru sterling, silver spring, crofton, annapolis, and @CAPE
  5. Note to self: compare ICON maps from 100 hours out to what actually happens
  6. Forum mood when the models snow 3-6" instead of 8-12" is BAD
  7. ICON looks a bit weird and disorganized, IDK why I look at that model. Makes me upset 9/10 times.
  8. I have a dentist appointment Weds AM. Will I have to reschedule?
  9. Next wave lining up for a hit, lol. classic weenie HH run
  10. 5 days away, but we'll be watching the sleet line on a setup like this. And tracking during the soup
  11. Trees glazed here in silver spring at about 320' feet ASL. moco sticking with two hour delay, good call. Not as embarrassing as a straight up rain day.
  12. 4th wave after the 3rd wave? Lol, weenie run here.
  13. 3k NAM looks similar. Shows more on the ridges which tracks with experience with ice storms
  14. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/profile/21931-folks/
  15. Cool temperature dynamics this morning. On the sunnier streets in my neighborhood, it is probably 10 to 15° warmer than the cool valley streets where the cold air is collecting. Over a couple hundred feet up a hill, I went from cold and wearing a hat and gloves to needing to take all of that off. Feels like the urban heat island will torch today.
  16. Time to cancel school in Montgomery county time.
  17. Literally 3/50 members with nothing in that window. Bananas!
  18. @Its a Breeze @winter_warlock found these blooming snowdrops in my neighborhood this afternoon. Feb 1st! South facing yard, near a street.
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