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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Planning a weekend trip to Luray in two weeks. Haven't been for a long while. Brewery/distillery/vineyard recommendations, if you got 'em!
  2. It's a very appropriate April morning here in Silver Spring. 52, and there were some gentle showers before dawn.
  3. 75 and gorgeous in silver spring for my 2nd graders first outdoor soccer practice. feels pretty good to be in the world right now!
  4. I saw my first one of the season earlier this week at a park in silver spring. I was under the impression that they hibernate but I now realize I've never looked that up!
  5. Yeah I had similar thoughts as to your last paragraph there. When I was in a CVS in Glenmont to get my first shot (10 days ago), I was pretty sure that was the most people I had been in a building with at the same time since prior to March 12th, 2020. And most were there to get the vaccine.
  6. Snowdrops now going back from whence they came; crocuses sighted everywhere; daffodils emerging and in sunny yards, out. Trees are getting ready too: noticeable budding, particularly on maples. Took the fam down to Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary on the Patuxent River today, in southern Anne Arundel. I highly recommend it if you live within 45 minutes or so, great kid-friendly easy hikes and views. It was an interesting case study in the urban heat island. Here in Silver Spring we have way more budding trees, compared to down there, which is about 15 miles south. The whole area down there is probably cooled by the water; my yard is heated by concrete, glass, asphalt, and of course the sewer network :-D
  7. Da heck is this front about to roll thru? It's SO DARK outside
  8. Sweet map, @mappy, thanks for putting that together for us. I'm surprised that we have so little representation from Southern MD and the eastern shore. Also surprised by the relatively few folks in lower moco / inside the beltway PG
  9. Man, we got absolutely nuked by the derecho in 2011. I was living in Falls Church near I-495 at the time and my neighborhood was lit up by that beast. I will never forget the sky looking like that - purple, black, swirling, words do not do it justice. There were transformers blowing everywhere and constant lightning and it looked like the fourth of July. Folks in my office at the time, particularly those in the Bethesda area, were out of power for up to two weeks. At the time I bailed out and drove to PA for the weekend to stay with family. It was on a Friday night, right? Came back when the power was back on in the nhood.
  10. I was in Harrisburg PA for these in 2004 and it was pretty interesting. There were fewer of them in areas that were more heavily/recently developed. At the time I lived in a townhouse built in the 90s and didn't see any. My dad, however, lived in a more rural-agricultural-forest type area, and there were literally ZILLIONS of them. They formed carpets under the trees. The sound was deafening. It was pretty amazing, really. I'm not sure what they're like here in the inner burbs of DC.
  11. There were blooming crocuses in the neighboorhod park I live adjacent to last week. Daffodil shoots everywhere too, and the snowdrops have came and went at this point.
  12. Booked a place in Lewes for the first weekend in April. LFGGGGGG
  13. Agreed, heat is bad. I guess by warmth I mean "seasonable temps" which around here is now rapidly approaching 50 for a high. Still snowing at a good clip in the 20910. Which is an anagram of 90210. Sligo Creek Hills!
  14. Well, it looks pretty in Silver Spring. I'm ready for warmth tbh.
  15. I for one respect your rant and it reminds me of when I went off the deep end before my post count was even at 100, sometime back in the terrible 2016-2017 winter. It's best to just ignore and most importantly try not to participate in the chatter amongst the regulars here, rules don't apply to them. @ravensrule said it right, you can't win. Stay for the lolz, but if gets stressful, check out for a bit and ignore the high post counters
  16. Yeah, in a heavy band in Silver Spring and there are a few asteroids mixed in with the sleet. Still 26 degrees
  17. Just started getting the same in Silver Spring, rates just picked up in the last minute. Went from fzr to sleet+
  18. Getting short pumped here in Silver Spring. Sleet/light rain mix. The sky has gotten darker in the last 30 minutes though, so at least we have that going for us.
  19. 26 degrees in Silver Spring. Light rain mixed with some sleet pellets, pretty strong lull since 7am. Roads are sleet covered.
  20. My wunderground says 28, which is pretty dankly crisp for mid-feb in the UHI. Mostly clouded over now too.
  21. RGEM qpf 12z versus NAM 3k 12z, by 00z sat. NAM sends more juice north, RGEM more rain dumpage far south. agreement on over 0.5 in almost all of MD
  22. Ah, dang it. Reading on phone at breakfast table didn't bother took look at hours. Just assuming the worst this year lol. Thx
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