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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. I think i saw a single flake in silver spring? maybe? no.
  2. Front squall line passing through silver spring now. Heavy rain and a couple pellets of ice mixed in. Five mins of heavy rain then quickly slowed. Good thing I tracked this for ten days
  3. On a selfish note, I will appreciate the early January thaw/torch as I am scheduled to move (in the neighborhood) on January 7th.
  4. bob dylan voice: And it’s a COOOOOOOOLD rain’s a-gonna fall
  5. Had a few sleets or ice pellets mixed in with rain here in silver spring 30mins ago. Now cold cold rain
  6. GFS gets a panel of snow for the initial wave into the WV-MD panhandle/western NOVA areas (thursday first wave. changes to rain for everyone)
  7. If I were a betting man, I'd take this euro depiction of the result of the frontal passage over the GFS. But it's christmas so I'll believe in the GFS
  8. So I am a newb, and throwing one out there for any mets who care to respond, but whats up with the feature off baja california that exists in GFS (weak 500mb trough) but is totally nonexistent in the GEM? I was noticing that in the GFS the heights are way higher up the pacific coast towards alaska. For all I know this feature is irrelevant but just trying to learn what to look for, I'm following the discussion on the TPV above...
  9. Me waiting for the 12z GFS, refreshing pivotal and and TT free sites to try to beat the people who pay for subscriptions in posting blue pastings:
  10. That storm is still my benchmark for "large snowfall inside beltway" - I moved here right before commutaggedon in 2011. Was in south central PA for ultrawinter of 09-10. The 2016 storm was great while it was happening, very ominous leadup, quickly accumulating snow, cold when it was falling, power outages, actual heavy plowing of local streets. But the next couple days were very drippy and above freezing, which took away from the experience just a little bit. Overall, 10/10, would want that to happen again. It was also fantastic to track because models were dead locked on 120+ hours out.
  11. Yea, worried about this given the trend for all coastals lately for those of us along/east of 95. Please Santa, let this depiction of 850mb temps and wind direction when the storm is cranking be true. (yeah yeah op run 200+ hours I know, but this is a beautiful storm headed to the benchmark...) and to further, 2m temps are basically in the teens/low 20s across our region at this point lol. weeniest run in a while
  12. Yeah a 240 hour snow map = who cares. Need a huge NESIS-5 pasting like that 4x per day for next 96 hours to believe.
  13. 2m temps below freezing from i-95 and south from 18z wednesday thru to friday early hours. cold air in place
  14. I've been riding the unexpectedly extremely good eagles to success with moneyline and spread bets. Good way to enjoy additional eagles wins, after many years (2017-2018 excluded) of watching them lose.
  15. I've been using fanduel for some light NFL gambling. Easy to use, kind of spammy with offers to get you more deeply addicted though.
  16. For illustrative purposes, check out this site. It lets you paint areas below a given elevation above mean sea level as blue. https://www.floodmap.net/?ct=US. it's not perfect but close enough for a zoomed out view. Here's our (inner) region if sea levels were 100 meters higher. Note how 95 in Maryland between DC and Baltimore basically traces that 100m contour. If you're below 100m, you're gonna have a soggy time tomorrow
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