5" or 6" depending on where I measure in the yard near downtown silver spring this am. Drippy out there, but still beautiful. The driveway had a huge compaction factor from being warm yesterday (especially compared to the 1/6/25 storm). Only half that on the driveway, slushy stuff that was easy to slide right off.
While we are all distracted by the snow, HH GFS just came in with a bit of front end snow + frozen on Saturday AM, before a flip to rain in the afternoon. More snow up toward central PA.
Also sweating it here, but I was thinking there will be a step-down from US50, to MD200, to I-70. Driveways and sidewalks caving in my slice of the UHI, but our hot black streets are holding out.
Yeah, should have said more. Aiming for 4" for minimum satisfaction level (no "bust"). Very happy with 5-6", impressed with more than that. It's ripping right now so feeling confident.
Mod-heavy under brighter returns here inside the DC beltway. Roads still just wet, but everything else rapidly whitening. Getting pretty fast while it's still bright outside. Aiming for 4"
IMO it is reasonably accurate in the like 2-8 hour range at showing future radar when a storm is already here/happening.
NAM is a JV model that tells me what I like
JK rain to start tomorrow
Meh. If it's light to start, we'll be alright. Sun angle doesn't matter much after 4pm. I'll still be impressed if we get 6" here inside the beltway though.
Well I think speak for all eagles fans when I say..... I have no words lol
Of course Brady had to mention his 28-3 SB comeback. But the eagles aren't the scrub ass falcons!!!!
This is critical for those of us in the UHI. We've seen what slow rates do during the daytime in this area where every surface radiates the heat of a thousand suns