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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. I grew up in/around Harrisburg (don't worry, I've made it out and I don't go back). January 1994 was astonishing, I was a school-age kid and I remember an absolute glacier of ice on top of snow. The ice was strong enough to support my 8 year old weight and it must have had a foot of snow under it. We went sledding at a golf course and my brother got yeeted off his sled and scraped a bunch of skin off his face. That period through Jan '96 cemented my love of snow, which got me through the drought of '97-'99. Even up there in the great north of central PA, winters can suck. We need a reminiscence thread, sorry for the digression.
  2. The D9/27th system cuts and transfers off Long Island for a decent SNE snowstorm, more importantly, GFS is showing an actual cold push after that.
  3. This is my greatest fear as well. My brother north of Ithaca NY has gotten very little this winter too. But this is his cash in season when we rain. Headed up there for prez day weekend so hopefully we see snow
  4. To improve the mood before the Euro runs I will post this picture that I took on 1/14/2019, when we got 6+" in a nice strip right across the DMV. This is on the northwest branch of the Anacostia near Hyattsville.
  5. I'm all in on AGW and I don't doubt it's contributing to our warmer winter (and every other day of the year) stretch. Disclaimer, this post will probably be deleted/moved because I'm talking about CC, but I'd rather talk about it here than in that weird subforum thread. The point I want to make is we only have 130ish years of snowfall records. It would be really cool if we had a thousand years of records so we didn't have to rely on decade-to-decade comparisons within such a small dataset. For instance, what was annual snowfall in this region in the 1600s and 1700s? Anyone aware of any records kept during that period?
  6. At this point i'll take a cold dry period over 50s and april showers.
  7. Congrats, we just did the same in Silver Spring. The previous owner left behind two snowshovels, and I brought my own that I already had, so damn it I'm going to be out there with my 9 year old shoveling enormous piles out of our driveway before March!
  8. GFS about to end it all when this rains 3" on all of us
  9. I don't have paid maps but this is a free product on pivotal. EPS 00z: EPS 12z:
  10. Slow mover, just like yesterday. 180-198 hours its basically parked off NC. Gonna be a nuke job for PA's northern tier/upstate NY. And rain for the whole I-95 megalopolis corridor so at least we've got that going for us. I'm still in after this run
  11. GFS not bad with the sunday evening deal for y'all northern folk.
  12. 12z hi-res NAM has a bit of flakeage coming through after about 5pm Sunday. mostly south of 66/50 though
  13. So treat all of your posts like opposite day? What about your username?
  14. Nothing like a 240 op run to calm the nerves. The low crawls, it takes 24 hours to get from GA to off of NC
  15. The low doesn't actually cut north, it gets squashed but its all rain for us anyway. garbage 204 hour map:
  16. great footage thanks for sharing! please re-create if we ever get snow this winter...
  17. Decent agreement with GEFS at range, though the low locations are fuzzier for it. Hoping this one stays trackable til the weekend to give us some 2023 hope.
  18. Just an observation about the intensity of cold we had: the ground is still frozen in certain shady or northern exposure spots around here. When night falls, you can feel the chill come off the ground. It's quite cold. This is pretty much the only time of year that can happen, when insolation is low enough even on sunny days. It's great! If only we had some snow to stick around....
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