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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Backyard measurement in silver spring on the afternoon 1/19. Two storms within 120 hours of each other yielded some nice depth. More snow fell later in the evening, maybe a half inch. #slantedstick
  2. That 12.7 near me is a bit suspicious but I suppose possible with diligent board clearance.
  3. It hasn't stopped snowing in Silver Spring all day. Amazing! The sun has tried to peek out, but even during those moments, it still snows. 10/10
  4. Measured 3" this morning, then another 1" when I went back out this afternoon. In the yard, we have nearly 8" depth on my #slantedstick! two storms is the way to go
  5. that is a BEAUTIFUL gif. where's @Jebman??? We're GONNA BACKBUILD FOR ETERNITY!
  6. that sound when you are walking around outside... tragic
  7. Heavier returns coming in now in Silver Spring - this was the local park at about 9AM. week here inside the beltway - roads covered twice!
  8. Unofficially measured 3" at 9am IMBY near down Silver Spring. Still coming down, might be able to hit 4". That would match my obs from Mon/Tues.
  9. https://www.weather.gov/epz/research_papers_vptb_csi
  10. Agreed. Luckily MoCo schools closed for tomorrow. So did Prince George's.
  11. Damn, I was at an all day work event and couldn't check. We are fully in business, I see. LFG!
  12. At this stage, can we pull out weenie handbook rule #725 and say "at this stage it's appropriate to rely on mesos rather than globals" and ignore global runs that don't paint the DC metro area blue?
  13. Even here in UHI melt-town, there is still snow clinging to tree branches. That is so rare here. My snowpack in the yard has barely changed...high temps below freezing...kids get another day sledding... this is the january dream, even without more to come. Another 2" is icing on the cake if it happens. Let's go RGEM/ICON, come on GFS.
  14. MCPS just closed for a sun day
  15. Just want to reiterate how much of a win this storm was for the fall line crew. We have gotten burned a lot in marginal events over the years, so it is awesome to see a storm where it's cold and the snow sticks to the roads. Seriously, the snow never sticks to the roads here. But this was last night around 10pm after rates picked up in my neighborhood. It was gorgeous - the kind of rainbow, light scattering pixie dust flakes we barely ever see because we usually get cold slop. And it's still cold today! 10/10 storm even if all I ended up with was 4".
  16. Measured 4" on the grill and in the yard at 8am today near downtown silver spring.
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