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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. This is a good look on the Euro. . Big story - how far east or west? Shenandoah looks nuked here Edit - pretty far west for the big dump of rain: Last image, 48-hour QPF:
  2. Nice (dry) evening at Dolly Sods. 70 ish
  3. 80 degrees in Canaan heights WV at about 3000 feet. Overcast moving in, maybe some rain in a bit. The stretch to get out here on US-48 was pretty desolate. Dry as a bone!
  4. Picked this weekend intentionally to head up to the Davis/Dolly Sods/Canaan area to beat the heat. Looks like we'll do that, with temps in the 80s... but no escape the dew points from the swamps of hell. Oh well, can't complain, I'm sick of 90s!
  5. Five minute shower in silver spring, maybe a tenth?
  6. We've eked out around 1" in my area of Silver Spring in the last 4 days. perhaps enough for me to have to mow my lawn this weekend? haven't done that since mid-june. there are browned out trees all around this area which is a rare summer sight.
  7. This cell just dumped on silver spring for ten minutes. Headed NE. And a show at the end!
  8. What's the best place to look for local rainfall totals? I have this bookmarked but I feel like it's not the best. https://www.weather.gov/marfc/SixHourPrecip What's a good radar estimated totals site?
  9. On and off moderate to heavy rain since about 1pm here in Silver Spring.
  10. Yeah, HRRR and 3k NAM look pretty weak for beltway-area DC :-(
  11. Solar panels versus AC units... guess who will win today
  12. Felt significantly muggier and grosser this morning during my 7am walk, probably because we got maybe 0.25" last night in the storm. Gonna run for 100+ for sure
  13. Decent 15 minute or so rain, wind, and downpour ish in downtown silver spring. Enough to create some puddles in my very beat up old asphalt driveway.
  14. My neighbor is mowing his lawn
  15. Wasn't so bad at about 80 degrees with a light breeze at 730AM for a shady morning run in a local park. Several trees in the park that were planted in 2021 have totally browned out though :-(
  16. Back home after 3 weeks in New England. Torched/blasted/cooked/fried/baked/smoked around here. But the crepe myrtles look nice.
  17. We're at a privately owned/rented cabin that is off a side road which connects to Lily Bay road. Closer to Greenville. There was heavy rain overnight but nothing biblical. We have not ventured out yet but I will be surprised if there is road damage.
  18. Not to gloat (jk I'm gloating) but I've been very glad to be in New England since June 24. We're not looking forward to coming back to the intense heat Sunday. Hope you all are hanging in there. Up here in Maine, "hot" days means mid 80s. Overheard some locals talking today about how the heat they're experiencing now doesn't usually come until August. I was on the Maine coast but now I'm way inland in the highlands on the shore of Moosehead lake. A gorgeous place and absolutely worth the trek. We've never been here but will be back. Pictured: Mt. Kineo from the shore and the view from the top. Flood watch tonight for the remnants of the hurricane... Hoping our gravel road washes out and we're stuck at this cabin!
  19. I am visiting your subforum (from my mid atlantic home). I am on the shore of moosehead lake, and I hope it rains extremely hard tonight and washes out the gravel road I'm back several miles deep on. I will then be stuck here, which is great, as I am a climate refugee from my near-DC home where it is always 100° this time of year. Incidentally, some locals up here were discussing how this heat is atypical this time of year. Y'all have it nice up here in the summer. Nice view from atop Mt. Kineo this morning.
  20. It's fantastic up here. DM me for recommendations if you ever do make the trip. Highly recommend.
  21. Thought you all may appreciate this. I am visiting in-laws near Bar Harbor/Ellsworth Maine. We went antiquing today and I stumbled across this fun little mid century modern analog weather instrument. Of course I impulse bought it (it was cheap). The temp and barometer appear to be accurate. Humidity, TBD. Based on a little metal tag on the top it appears to have been given by the American Motors Corporation to a champion salesman as a desktop trinket some years ago. I was born in the 80s so it gets an "older than me" rating based on font/general look but I'm honestly not sure how old it is. Bonus pic of Acadia National Park, taken from across Frenchman Bay under yesterday's high cloud deck in the late afternoon, attached. It was 58 degrees!
  22. Yeah, making MARC from Frederick to DC fast and frequent would go a long way to helping with the commuter backups.
  23. Yeah this has never made sense to me. There are topographic challenges that would probably make widening more expensive. But it's especially weird given how 70 is three lanes for much (all?) of the Frederick - Baltimore leg. And 270 carries more traffic! https://roads.maryland.gov/mdotsha/pages/Index.aspx?PageId=792
  24. BW parkway is terrible and straight up dangerous honestly. So is that stretch of 270. Those two take the cake for my least favorite limited access highways in MD.
  25. At around 830 there were very scattered raindrops that barely made it to the ground in Silver Spring. Looking at hi-res radar, some sprinkles went through eastern moco/northern PGC around that time.
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