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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Thanks! Should have clarified. I have a garden enclosure that is netted to keep deer and varmints away. The vegetable beds are there, in those big raised steel pre-assembled garden bed things. I was just covering the ground around those beds inside the enclosure with the wood chips, because it was previously scraggly crab grass and creeping vines. Now I won't have to weed whack it. The beds themselves have topsoil and compost.
  2. Mulch. Sticking it to big mulch, done paying for that crap. Bought my house a couple years ago and the previous owner let the yard and garden go ignored, so I have a ton of garden beds that are just weeds. It's going around trees, around azaleas, covering areas around my vegetable garden beds, etc. Burying it all in wood chips. For free!
  3. Another breezy day in the DMV. At least it's not that cold anymore
  4. Anybody else ever use the service chip drop to get some free wood chips? I got about 15 cubic yards of fresh white pine chips dumped in front of my house couple weeks ago. Just finished spreading it on my quarter acre. I want more LOL
  5. It's gonna snow in Virginia Beach again probably
  6. Yep. Panels cranking this past week.
  7. Remember when it used to rain?
  8. Is a gorgeous spring morning in Silver Spring.
  9. I don't disagree on your "sucks 90% of the time" point. And yes I remember the 2014 snows, and the ubermelt of the 2016 storm when we torched after. But after 90 days of cold and gray, March snow just hits different. I feel like I might feel differently if I lived somewhere semi-rural like you; around the UHI getting March snow to stick has an extra difficulty factor. I would never say I don't want it to snow in March, it's always nice when it snows (even in April)! But my snow pleasure index is higher in DJF than MA.
  10. not normal, but the odds of that not normal event happening in january are effectively infinitely higher than that happening in march. which is why some of us don't like march snow. it's not an unreasonable opinion lol
  11. the 3 weeks of snowcover i had in january beg to differ
  12. I'm down with heavy snow for another 10 days or so ... but especially after DST switch, I'm ready for green and heat
  13. Decent flurry tv in silver spring
  14. Great spot. So are the trails owned by the American Chestnut Land trust. Also flag ponds nature park is stunning
  15. Really grieving our fail here. It's cold, cloudy, and has that feels-like-a-snowstorm feeling in the air. Too bad we're cooked, fried, ruined.
  16. NAM why have you done this to us
  17. Indeed. Accuracy is the strength.
  18. @psuhoffmanget back in here and bring home climo!
  19. If by "probably overdoing it" you mean "correctly predicting the future" I agree.
  20. I change my sarcastic post from an hour go to serious: good thing roads are brined in lower Montgomery county!
  21. Good thing the roads are brined here in lower Montgomery county.
  22. This thing has just gotten fried run after run
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