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Hank Scorpio

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About Hank Scorpio

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Leesburg, VA

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  1. Agreed, excellent sunset. Portions had an appearance almost like ripped paper, or like fire had just started to burn through a piece of paper. Were these the elusive lacunosus clouds? I'd never seen them before
  2. First flakes of the year coming down now in Leesburg at a balmy 37 degrees
  3. Yeah! Seeing the spikes show up was so cool. Also amazing how much more color the phone camera will pick up...probably was only 5% as colorful with the naked eye.
  4. Its about to head over the mountain. Wonder if it'll lift at all because of terrain and then plant again once it's on the other side of the river
  5. Everything yesterday and today has been just barely missing me to the north and west. There's a pws just half a mile to my west that's sitting at .25" so far today while I'm at 0.04". Crazy to continually be right on the edge of the convection. At least I'm hearing some good thunder!
  6. I finally put up a tempest over the weekend and it's showing 94.5 here in Leesburg. Likely will move it in a few weeks so that it's sitting a bit higher and a bit further from the house. Nice to have a weather station up and running though.
  7. No warning or anything on that storm in Poolesville, but it's starting to look interesting on radar with a bit of rotation ETA, got severe warned right after I posted
  8. Interesting, thank you for sharing. Since the start time of the Poolesville tornado was listed as 7:01, I went back and looked at the pictures and video I took again. Last picture before I headed home was taken at 7:01, and I think I can just barely make out the funnel. I was in Leesburg, a little over 7 miles away though, so things were looking a little grainy. I think I may have also caught a funnel as it was trying to produce at 6:59 in this timelapse. https://imgur.com/a/2mc4MH4
  9. Noooo! My yard was ground zero for them last year and they did a real number on my little birch tree. Guess we'll find out soon if the grub control I spread in the yard was able to make an impact on the larvae and grubs. Only use the trap/bag things if you've got a spot way far off from any plants you wanna keep alive. They work great to attract the beetles, but ultimately they work so well that you end up attracting beetles from the entire neighborhood into your yard. Also, a trap full of dead beetles smells horrendous.
  10. I went and checked out the damage path from the Wednesday tornado north of Leesburg. It took a route right through a neighborhood, but thankfully all of the damage I could see was limited to trees. Obvious damage in a couple of spots right next to the road, but there were some bigger trees down back way behind houses. Two things I found particularly interesting, first that it touched down almost immediately after getting over the catoctins. They aren't very high in that spot, but I do wonder if the terrain had any impact on timing. And second, how fast that thing must have been moving. NWS said it was only on unit ground for a minute, but the damage path was pretty darn long still. I also went back and looked at the pictures I took on Wednesday and then compared them to the radar loop, and what I was seeing makes a lot more sense now. The tornado north of Leesburg lifted just as I started taking pictures. And so what I was focused on instead was the new rotation that was just beginning and was what eventually produced the long track tornado that moved through Montgomery county.
  11. This site is a great resource for historical tornado tracks by state: https://data.newsleader.com/tornado-archive/maryland/ I've spent way too much time on that site. Obviously a low sample size, but it does seem like a lot of the longer track tornadoes in that area are more west -> east based.
  12. https://x.com/_FordR/status/1798493804963708978?s=19 This was my view of the rotation as it moved across Loudoun but before it hopped the Potomac
  13. I had a great sight line on the rotating meso as it moved across northern Loudoun. Was definitely rotating but I never saw it put anything down. Could have certainly been just out of my view though!
  14. And the location named in that tweet lines up pretty darn close to the best frame in the velocity scan from last night
  15. This frame was interesting too...seemed to tighten up for just a minute
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