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JB Fins

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Everything posted by JB Fins

  1. Roads downtown finally starting to whiten
  2. Yeah, I mean it's sad to say that lawns are finally starting to cave, Kanawha Plaza, still yellow/white.
  3. I am downtown now, live in Tuckahoe. View from 15th floor of James Center, not even sticking to grass, hill by Afton (near war memorial) clear and yellow and the Fed lawn, always in good shape is clean and green, mulch accumulations downtown only.
  4. That would be a nice surprise. I was having my coffee watching/waiting for the transition and while agonizing, it is much more pleasant to watch winter weather transition in this direction opposed to the other. Where we watch and listen for the mixing as it moves through our area and knew it was the end.
  5. finally more snow and sleet in Tuckahoe. Shaved ice look in the deck at the moment
  6. We have seen this movie a thousand times but did just get the NBC 12 *aleet* snow chances going up for Monday. To quote Bob Uecker as Harry Doyle, I think I'll wet my pants.
  7. Uh, never safe to say. Short Pump in the bullseye? I live there, it never works out that way.
  8. Given recent weather and winters, I will be happy with some flakes whether they be mood or grill and mulch coverers. We never seem to do too well with cold air chasing moisture setups.
  9. I think I may have seen a flake. Have been lurking in the main thread and banter. But, wanted to recognize the thread bump.
  10. I smoke our turkey on my Green Egg. Always comes out nice. One lesson I learned the first year, butter under the skin and on the skin itself will keep it from retreating. Also, I recommend brining it.
  11. 0.4 for Short Pump...book it.
  12. Yeah, didn't get that burst of sleet over here in Tuckahoe. Still just freezing rain, now I am in the basement office so I might have missed it but no evidence on the ground suggesting sleet bomb.
  13. I would like to avoid Harold and his Purple Crayon area this time.
  14. That was a great stretch, I was a junior in high school working at McDonald's.
  15. I had enough sleet in 2003 (PDII) or was that (PDIII) to last my entire life. 5" of pure what can only be described as concrete.
  16. Have to scroll down a bit but 1 to 4" before ice is a change.
  17. I find it ironic the amount of banter or hang up about Short Pump in the main thread but if those of us from Short Pump were to comment we would be told to move it to banter.
  18. Try Northern Tool on Broad near the Room Store just across from Westpark but on same side of Broad Street.
  19. I might go shake a few trees, smaller ones, to save them the extra weight.
  20. Yeah, I am a fan of extreme weather but ice storms just aren't high on my list of things I like to experience. I might be lucky as on the same grid as a firehouse and transformers are buried. However, substations can get iced up and cut your power further up the line.
  21. It's loud out there. Waiting for the quiet and then I know it's snowing.
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