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JB Fins

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Everything posted by JB Fins

  1. Heal up RIC Airport and take care of yourself, you keep this little sub-forum we call home going.
  2. Ah, the thread is awakened...thank you RIC. Crossing fingers for next week, time on the calendar (near the 5th) checks. It's been too long since we have been able to do this...
  3. I have been an O's fan since 79 when they lost to the "We Are Family" edition of the Buckos. Last year, hurt but this one hurts a bit worse. Agree with most in here that I don't think Hyde is the problem. Loved Big Ben's call yesterday, Mullins HR was right on cue. Also, pointed out Adley's hesitation, more than once. Admirable job calling both games without being too much a homer. Hoping next year's edition stays healthy and I will gladly give up early season success for getting hot after the all star break.
  4. 20th Anniversary of Tropical Storm Gaston dumping on RVA. I work downtown and I remember we had just completed some Cisco Training, it had begun raining hard in the afternoon. When we saw traffic was not getting out of downtown, we took refuge in The Tobacco Company. We drank as we complained about not being able to get home but I had not idea just down the street, 3 blocks away, people were dying being swept away by the water. I had no idea the magnitude until I got home around 11PM that night and watched the news.
  5. Good luck on the retirement landing search @vastateofmind keep us posted as I am just a few years out from doing the same. Emerald Isle would be first choice but looking along the coast, depending on where kids permanently land.
  6. Well, if we can't do snow, just give me some weather.
  7. So it would seem. Warm up next week. After that, I am fine with spring like temps. I am not a March and April snow fan and if we cannot get it in January, thinking the days of us getting it in late March and early April are also behind us, at least in my lifetime and in our current climate trajectory. Tough enough to clean blinds without shitting them, but yeah, I know the joke from the main thread. Hoping for some thunderstorms this year, those too, seem to be a thing of the past, at least in the volume we used to get around here.
  8. Thanks again for keeping this thread and hope alive @RIC Airport i had a feeling about this one from the start. I hardly ever remember a clipper type scenario working out for Central VA. Thought for sure the TV Mets would have learned their lesson. Jim Duncan, a snow weenie himself, used to always ignore the models on clippers saying it’s just not how we get our snow. i am almost ready to mulch and fire up the grill. If 2/29 works out, I will be thrilled but once the calendar turns to March, well, I am past it at that point. Maybe we will actually have a severe season this year and the thread momentum will continue.
  9. Never is. Tried to remain quiet as to not be a Deb but shoot, we rarely score on clippers in the best scenarios.
  10. "If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all ♪ Gloom, despair and agony on me♪"
  11. A chase to Emerald Isle? I do like it down there. Yep, plenty of time for the inevitable northern trend but let's leave Tidewater and Currituck in there so we can all enjoy.
  12. Yeah, I figured when I login and check in the morning and RIC Airport has not posted, it's not a good sign. I have now reached a scary tipping point where I am almost rooting for our futility to continue and wallow in freakish misery (name the movie) so it can be worn as a red badge of courage in the main thread.
  13. Right where you want it this far out. We know what happens when we are in the bullseye this far out, DC gets jackpotted, applying the same non-scientific weenie logic to this, as we want NC in that zone before the inevitable jogging trend to the north.
  14. That’s my building dead center JC1, where I work, I should say. It’s funny how the area shuts down with an inch of snow where we went to school with it on the roads sometimes. It had to be completely covered back then.
  15. Wow! Is it sad I had to google to convert centimeters to inches? Yes, yes it is.
  16. Well, I was 8 but do remember this storm... Pic 1 is the old Richmond/Petersburg Turnpike Toll Plaza. When commuting to VCU I had toll tickets that you could buy from the bank to go through here. I would get off at Belvedere. Thankfully, this toll booth went the way of the dodo. Pic 2 is Broad Street near MCV (now VCU Medical Center) looking down before that road heads up to Church Hill. Pic 3 is Broad and Pic 4 appears to be East Grace Street. Pic 5 is Broad looking at the MCV Main Hospital Building Pic 6 is also Broad Street between Belvedere and 6th Street Pic 7 is the toughest for me to identify but figure it's most likely Broad looking west, just from down the hill near Shockoe Valley but could easily be Grace or Main, scratch that, gotta be Broad with the street lights, Main never had them like that and don't think Grace did.
  17. It should be mandatory for anybody in the "main" thread complaining about their lack of snow or how this winter has sucked, to spend a few minutes here. It will give them a bit of perspective and allow them to appreciate what they have received. And if one of them says, move north or Richmond should not get snow blah, blah, blah, I will hit them with a sock full of nickels.
  18. Snow flurry downtown. I think I'll wet my pants
  19. Uh, not sure what past few years your are talking about. Our >1 streak is still in tact and now over two years.
  20. Just a little bit of pingers and snow as we walked the pug in Tuckahoe. I would be happy with an inch at this point, just to remind us what it looks like.
  21. The greedy money grab that the NFL and NBC are pulling on a playoff game wants me to go full Clint Eastwood on them. Then NBC with their coverage on the Today show trumpeting the match up of the Chiefs and Dolphins like it was THE game. Throw in some Tay Tay references and I was ready to throw a brick through the TV. Keep it up NFL, you will have a lot less fans going forward.
  22. Thank you @RIC Airport for the breakdown. Plenty of time for change, for the better or worse. Do you think we could see significant change based on the storm later today or do the models seem to have that sniffed out and accounted for fairly well?
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