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  1. Nice... Apparently, the Joplin tornado had an 'eye'. The Joplin Globe did a story on it today. http://www.joplinglo...that-it-had-eye *"Bill Davis, head meteorologist with the National Weather Service station at Springfield, said the eye of the Joplin tornado might have been as wide as 300 yards. The tornado itself was three-quarters of a mile wide. If the tornado was traveling at 10 to 25 mph, being in the eye would last a few seconds, he said. “If you were in it, you could sense that things had slowed down,’’ Davis said." *“I had my glasses on. I looked up and saw these vortexes, and saw debris flying in the air. It looked like I could see blue sky at the top,’’ she said. “I can’t put into words what I saw. *He could see daylight, then, within a few seconds, he said the back wall of the tornado struck, and injured him with flying debris. *“We thought we were through it because it calmed and you looked up and saw clear, and the next thing you know you saw it coming again.” *Greg Carbin, head of the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said, “I believe it is possible. We have had very similar eyewitness accounts. You have the initial wall and the backside. In between, there is very little going on.’’ On the wind speeds: “For the manhole covers, it barely exceeds 200 mph. It’s at least that much. With the parking stops, they are in the 205 mph range,’’ he said. Said Sarkar: “In a tornado of that size, the wind speed would be zero at the center. There would be a few seconds of no wind at the center line. “We do know that the front side of this counterclockwise rotation is 25 mph more than the average speed of the tornado and that the backside is 25 mph less because of the forward motion of the tornado,’’ he said.
  2. The tornado from the East Middle School surveillance cameras. The best views are the main entrance and the last view IMO.
  3. Found a great site with a 'birds eye view' that shows the devastation much better than ground shots and satellite shots. These pics were taken 10 days after the tornado from what looks like a plane? You may have to refresh a few times and the images are big http://xpda.com/joplinTornado/ It looks like he flies west to east, then back west. There are a lot of good detailed images but some notable places in the images: This was the area I was 3 blocks from. According to the survey, the tornado was EF-4 and crossed where the white car is on the street in the center and down a bit (lower left on the 2nd image), which meant the strongest winds were on the N side with a sharp cutoff to EF-2 to the south. The tornado was just starting to widen. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170170.jpg http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170173.jpg Neighborhood west of St. Johns Hospital. One of these houses on that street had an above-ground steel storm shelter that survived the direct impact of the tornado which was approaching EF-5 intensity. I'm looking into getting one. On the center-right of this image you can see the Elk's Lodge, in which 4 people perished. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170178.jpg Multiple things to note on this image. St. Johns is in the lower left. The new mobile tent hospital is on the bottom right. The weird track looking thing was a walking track. On the top left is the water treatment plant, a building built in 1901 that was part of the original plant did not survive the storm. The tornado was causing EF-5 damage. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170182.jpg This is just east of the previous image above. In the upper right portion of this image, you can see a building that looks like a T with an extra dash, this was Greenbriar nursing home where 11 perished. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170185.jpg Still heading east a bit. Directly in the center is a Taco Bell, which did extremely well when compared to the buildings around it. It still had glass in some of the windows. Just to the left of the center, the large building with all the parking lot was the Salvation Army store which had opened not long ago. The building itself was very old. There was a truck found in the center of this building, nobody knows how it got there. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170188.jpg Still moving east. The neighborhood west of the high school which was probably the hardest hit area in terms of destruction and structures being completely leveled. I believe the tornado was reaching it's peak here. On the bottom left you can see Taco Bell from the previous image above. A little up from the center where the parking lot is was a church. On the top right is Joplin High School. In the top-center, is the remains of Franklin Technology Center. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170190.jpg Closeup of Franklin Technology Center. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170267.jpg My ex's neighborhood, just west of JHS. Her house is actually pictured here. Each driveway led to a house. Tremendous loss of life in this area. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170193.jpg Joplin High School http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170194.jpg Neighborhood just east of JHS. Towards the far right and up a bit is what's left of Dillions grocery store. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170197.jpg Closeup of Dillions http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170256.jpg Hampshire Terrace apartment complex is on the left. These were 2 story apartments that are now a story or less. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170203.jpg Close up of Hampshire Terrace: http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170254.jpg Lots to be seen on this image. A lot of apartment complexes. On the far left is Hampshire Terrace. To be honest I don't know the names of the rest of the complexes in this image but there are several. Just up from the center of the image was Commerce Bank. All that's left standing is the vault. Just to the bottom right of the center is the Olympic Fitness Center. Their indoor pool and what looks to be a court of some kind is exposed. On the upper right and down a small bit is where some 3 story apartments were that are now 1 story or less. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170202.jpg Home Depot cleaned up rather quickly. Their new tent can be seen in the lower left. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170211.jpg This looks to be Academy Sports http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170212.jpg The apartment complex east of Wal-Mart. This 3 story complex I believe had hurricane straps that tied the roof to the walls. You can see a cell phone tower actually fell on the complex. The tornado was starting to weaken as it reached this area. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170215.jpg From there the images go into the Duquense area which I know nothing about. East middle school, which was deemed destroyed because it would cost more than 50% of it's worth to repair. The tornado was back down to an EF-4 or EF-3 when it hit this school and was weakening and moving SE. http://xpda.com/jopl...do/P1170234.jpg There are numerous closeup images and images of places I can't remember. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  4. I noticed the 'calm' as well, it lasted probably 1-4 seconds and I was in the very edge of the tornado. EF1 damage according to the survey. This was probably just an outer 'core' of some kind or something? I don't think it was a calm at the center or anything like that since the center passed off to the south of me by about 5-6 blocks. I mean, is it possible that it was an outflow of some kind from the mesos collapsing on the storms to the north? If it was that, it may have enhanced the circulation and what caused it to dip just south before it moved E or ENE along the boundary? In other news, Rush Limbaugh is bringing himself and a truckload of his tea to Joplin for the 4th. Agree with his politics or not, it's bringing the spotlight back to Joplin for some, which is good news for us.
  5. I checked out Joplin Metro Magazine which had pictures and stories from the tornado. I haven't actually read the articles yet but I did look at the pictures. One picture was of the piece of wood driven through the concrete curb from a different angle. It gave the location of the picture at Peace Lutheran Church at 2002 Wisconsin Ave. This area was a couple of blocks east of the high school and was in the direct path. I've circled where the impact likely was based on looking at the image in the magazine and the one posted online. It looks legit, and I don't think there was a PVC pipe there, I think it just went through the concrete. The cell phone image since the other image doesn't appear to be online. Thanks to: http://www.eversostr...-concrete-curb/ EDIT: Also found out why the A-10's were here. They have thermal imaging equipment that can detect people's heat signatures under the rubble.
  6. Mike Bettes (the weather channel) and his 3 year old golden lab he adopted from Joplin. He named her Joplyn. He also adopted another dog as well. http://www.koamtv.co...aced-by-tornado The JopAthon adoption was a huge success.
  7. EDIT: 11:38 Eastern....... 158 now dead after 2 more die at hospitals. This house was directly in the center of the path when the tornado was EF-4 before it reached max intensity according to the survey. I personally think it crossed a little farther north of this location. The weird thing is, the strongest winds must have been on the north side since the area to the north sustained much greater damage than the area to the south of the track. As you can see in the background, the houses still have roofs on them and are just south of the track. Even weirder, the houses that are 3-5 houses past those do not have a lot of damage. There was tree damage and impact debris damage. This is the before image of the house: And the after image. You can see the kitchen area, complete with dishes and cups in the cabinet still.
  8. Yeah, I think they will probably seek some counseling like a lot of people here now are. Every time it rains, people panic. They could not find much in the remains of their house, she found some things her grandma had given her though so I know that meant a lot. The volunteers that cleared their lot had said they had cleared 50 lots, and their area was definitely the worst. He said that he bet they were glad they weren't at home when the tornado happened, so they said that they were there and I guess were interviewed. A full sized pickup truck from 6 blocks away landed in their driveway. If it had landed a couple feet farther back, they would probably have all been killed. Her neighbor across the street was killed. The neighbor a few houses down was as well. I know of at least 5 who were in that neighborhood, she says there were 17 total, which is possible. I took this 1 month after the tornado, so a few evenings ago. Mother Nature is resilient and is in recovery mode as well. The leaves are coming back on this tree that sustained EF-4 damage.
  9. One month today. Also another death.. 156. My ex-gf, who I earlier talked about, was pretty much in the path of the tornado was nice enough to write up what happened several days after it happened and she just sent it to me. I still have no idea how they all survived. Imagine sitting on your bathroom floor with your husband, daughter, a blanket, 4 cats, and one bird. Take one second to think about that. Sitting there thinking everything would be okay. We are just going to have some wind. All of the sudden, the lights go out. They don't flicker, they just go out. You are sitting in this small room, dark, and very very scared. Behind my husband and I, I feel a loud object hit our house. My ears begin to tighten, I have this feeling like I need to chew gum or swallow to make them pop. That was the point in which I new we were in trouble. Suddenly, I feel the layers of our house collapse around us. First the wood, then the sheet rock, then the brick, eventually comes the grass and dirt. My daughter can't hold on to the blanket anymore, and our only protection is ripped away from us. My husband pulls himself around us and we huddle together. We are screaming out for Jesus. We are begging for Him to protect us. I knew we were going to die. I was praying and screaming, and so was my husband. We were squeezing each other so tight. After the tornado ripped our house away, we were left there with no protection, nothing. This is when debris was flying and hitting us. I don't remember anything that caused me pain, nor does my husband. But imagine being on a slab of wood in a VERY windy and VERY angry storm. My husband and I got hit with a riding lawn mower. I felt the wheel drive up my back and up my head. My husband had house shoes on when we entered the bathroom. When we exited the slab, his house shoes were gone. We actually never thought twice about it until days later when we realized he had them on when we took cover. My glasses were ripped from my face. When the tornado passed, my first instinct was to run. So I did. I ran down to the grass, and I looked around. It was hard to see very far without my glasses, but I remember thinking that this was a nightmare and I would soon wake up. It was hailing very hard, and my husband called me to come back with him. This is when I found my glasses. They did not do me any justice because we were soaked from head to toe and I had no way to clean them. Some teenage kid came from a block away and helped us get into our neighbors van. We stayed in the van for maybe five minutes. This is when my husband called to my attention that I was bleeding. I looked down and my chest was full of blood. I followed the blood to my head. I then knew we needed help and quickly. We started walking. The feeling of the pavement on our feet was like Heaven. It was warm and inviting. It didn't hurt. We walked around gas lines, power lines, nails, debris, we saw countless dead bodies. We were in such a state of shock, I'm surprised we were walking. My husband and I both have cuts and holes on our feet. The odd thing? We never, ever felt pain, until we got to the hospital. We walked and walked, then a man in a van took us to the hospital. My husband said it was the first time he ever felt comfortable riding with a man that was drinking and driving. We were desperate. We got to the hospital. It was mass chaos. We were barefoot, and bleeding. We were wet and freezing. This is when the pain came. We walked in, there was blood everywhere. There were people everywhere. We got checked in, we were told to wait. We were given a piece of computer paper with our names. This would be the most important piece of paper for the next 10 hours of my life. My husband was very close to passing out. We both had concussions. Thank God our daughter was there, and uninjured because she kept us awake. People were passing out blankets, and water, and food. I was in so much pain at this point, I just wanted to lay there and pass out. We waited for about five hours. They then took my husband to be worked on. I was left alone with my bird that made it through. I was shaking uncontrollably. People kept coming by and checking my vitals. They would write it on my computer sheet. I was bleeding very badly. My fingers had been sliced. My tissue began coming out of my fingers. My husband finally got back. Then it was my turn. I no sooner made it to the ER room, and passed out. They put an IV in me, and then gave me some morphine. My body thought it must have been water because the pain was not taken away at all. I sat there, in a wheel chair, they were cleaning my head. I was told my wedding rings would have to be cut off. They gave me a choice. Either my finger or my rings. So I sat there and watched them cut my rings into four pieces. I had only worn the rings for two months. I'm still a newlywed. The nurse told me that I was pushed aside in the lobby, and I should have been seen sooner because of my head wound. As you can imagine, I found this very reassuring (NOT). I was then taken to the "lac" room where I would be repaired. This room was a staff break room. It was full of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I passed out again. I was made a palate on the floor. I was worked on by a doctor that I am very familiar with. I work with him closely. He was so kind, so generous. He fixed me up. I was told that my laceration in the back of my head went all the way to the skull. I was given three absorbable sutures, and then staples. My fingers have stitches as well. After I was done, I was taken to be with my family. They called out my last name. Some other people said yes, and I felt bad because they weren't my family, and I knew they were probably missing some of theirs. I found my dad, and he told me to call my mom, that she was worried. I passed out again. The ride home, I do not remember. I do remember I was not going to my home. It was no longer there. Something that I have failed to mention is all the time that I was in the ER, I had no idea where my mother was. I didn't know if she was dead or alive. I knew that she was at graduation earlier that day, and I wasn't sure if MSSU had been hit or not. I tried to ask everyone I saw for information. One person told me that MSSU was not there, another said it was. So naturally I was freaking out. I completely forgot that the graduation was even at MSSU until someone told me. I knew my mom was dead. I was mentally preparing myself for the news. Anyone that was brought in by gurney, I looked to see if it were my mom. My husband was on "mom" patrol. I was frantic. This was between me being awake and unconscious. When I woke up, I knew that it was not a nightmare, and that I would have to relive not knowing where my mom was again. The greatest news was when I was in the "lac" room. Some lady, I have no idea who she was, told me that my mom was safe. I just broke down. I told the doctor that she was alive, and I was so happy. I couldn't wait to see her. I felt the hole on my heart heal when I knew she was alive. My mom is my best friend, and I couldn't imagine life without her. I couldn't imagine life without my husband or my kids. We have all survived, and it's by the grace of God. There is a reason that I am still here today. I am not sure what the reason is, but I am here. Thank you God!
  10. Just past four weeks, death toll has risen to 155. Still a lot of cleanup work to be done. Joplin City Council has put a 60 day moratorium on new building construction so we can concentrate on the cleanup since the federal government is only picking up 90% of the tab until Aug 7th. Home Depot has came and fixed up some houses and opened up a temporary tent location until they can rebuild. Mike Bettes from TWC is here now and he has taken some new pics of Joplin, 4 weeks after he was here for the tornado. Ironically we had a severe T-storm warning tonight, that guy is bad luck! They will be Live from Joplin on Wednesday the 22nd. He has posted some new pics from Joplin, 4 weeks after: http://www.facebook.com/twcmikebettes About 600,000+ cubic yards to debris hauled off so far.
  11. From Joplin Globe: *The death toll from the May 22 Joplin tornado has increased by one to 154. James V. “Jim” Cookerly, 49, was added to the official list of fatalities on Friday, according to Lynn Onstot, with the city of Joplin. Cookerly died Tuesday. He was among those afflicted by the zygomycosis fungus, authorities said. Memorial services for Cookerly will be at 1 p.m. today at Fir Road Christian Church.
  12. Interesting article that says out of the places they pinpointed most people died in their homes: http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x1625119189/Most-tornado-fatalities-occurred-where-people-lived Some excerpts: Globe reporters were able to pinpoint where the storm hit 106 victims, or two-thirds of the 153 people killed. Of those 106 victims, 57 people, or 54 percent, died where they lived, including houses, apartments and nursing homes. Thirty-four people, or 32 percent, were killed in nonresidential areas, including stores and churches. The others, about 14 percent, died in vehicles or outdoors, including the Kansas City-area police officer who was fatally injured by lightning while conducting rescue work. Large concentrations of deaths were found at The Greenbriar, a nursing home, where at least 13 people died; at St. John’s Regional Medical Center, where at least nine died; and at big-box stores on Range Line Road, including Home Depot and Wal-Mart, where at least seven died. *Keith Stammer, Jasper County emergency management director, said that in the rush of rescue work, nobody kept records of how many people survived or died in bathtubs, bathrooms, basements or other shelters at their homes. But there are few basements under houses in the area because the water table is high, the ground is rocky, and in some places there are concerns about old mining tunnels, he said. That seems to be the trend nationwide. Only 28 percent of new homes had full or partial basements in 2009 — a drop from two decades ago, when 38 percent had one — according to the U.S. Census Bureau. *“THERE’S NOTHING 100 percent,” said Bill Davis, chief meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Springfield. “Some people will be in the wrong place and still not be injured, and other places, people will take the time to be there and not survive.”
  13. Nope, it was at 3 PM. It ended shortly before the tornado. The superintendent, CJ Huff, was walking to the parking lot to get in his car at 5:20ish when the first siren went off.
  14. Crazy crazy story. This happened about 5-6 blocks from me probably. The church they went to is the one I wrote about. http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x177904181/Retired-teacher-thrown-block-and-a-half-in-storm
  15. I've wondered that too. I would have expected the death toll to actually be higher after seeing all the destruction. It was 5:30 PM on a Sunday evening and people would have been either heading to church, out eating, out shopping, or at home. Since Joplin is the "go to" place since it's the largest city in this area, people from out of town were here as well. There were also people from out of town here for the Joplin High School graduation. People that were at home probably took shelter in either their bathtubs, an interior closet or room, or basements if they had one. There were severe injuries to those that sought shelter, so just because the death toll is not higher doesn't mean there weren't people in those houses. One thing that wasn't hit and probably saved lives were some of the mobile home parks around the area. As far as why the death count wasn't higher, a religious man would probably say it was God, others would probably say it was just luck.
  16. NWS Springfield has released a more detailed survey and statement. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/sgf/?n=event_2011may22_survey I did not know the forward speed of the tornado was less than 20 MPH. I think their statement that the life-flight helicopter was blown off the roof was incorrect as the life-flight helicopter actually lands on the ground there by the ER.
  17. There are still volunteers coming in. There aren't as many of them as there once was of course. They are primarily removing debris from areas that aren't in the "Expedited Debris Removal" area, places where older people live or need help cleaning up their yard from debris. There's a steady stream of dump trucks heading from Joplin to Lamar, MO and 2 places in SE KS. The EDR area is where people sign the right of passage thing so the Army corps and contractors can come in and remove debris off of people's property, it is in the worst hit area, otherwise you just pile it on the curb and they come and pick it up. The government is covering 90% of the removal costs but that ends on Aug 7th, so we kind of have to hurry. I think around 250,000 out of 3 million cubic yards has been removed so far. There's still a lot that needs picked up. Home Depot's Operation Blessing has been here helping as well. I think around 300 volunteers were from that. Joey Lagano, the NASCAR racer was here with that. They were restoring someone's home that still had a home standing. The people were living in a tent in the backyard. http://www.ky3.com/news/ky3-stoy-roof-work-turns-into-a-brand-new-home-in-joplin-20110614,0,5179490.story The Kansas City Chiefs football team is coming to help on June 25th or 26th I believe. There are volunteers here from California, New York, etc. They are all in disbelief at the damage and leave with new priorities in life. There's an auction going on for the United Way in the Joplin area that has some cool celeb items up for bid: http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=givingengine
  18. Thank you. The enormity of what had happened did not really sink in until later that evening after I was able to see it firsthand. The rumbling sound will be forever etched in my mind and I'm really glad I did not actually see the tornado itself. The look on peoples faces at the church will forever remain in my mind as well as the actual damage when I saw it. It was just shocking to see the destruction and realize that if the tornado would have been 2-3 blocks farther north, or if it had reached it's maximum width a little sooner, I may not be here, or may not have a home. Then there's the realization that people were killed and that people have lost everything. My aunt had to bury her son one year to the day her husband died. There's extreme sadness but also a great amount of joy in how the community has behaved and came together. The majority of volunteers have been wonderful to pitch in and help and to lend and ear. Many volunteers have said there have been tears, but no whining. After you see the devastation, you are just happy to be alive and you really do realize that the things people lost aren't really important as long as they have their loved ones. On a side note, if Joplin set up a toll booth and charged people to take the 'tour' through the damaged areas then we would be rebuilt in no time! I posted a quick account here if you missed it: http://www.americanwx.com/bb/index.php/topic/18858-devastating-tornado-strikes-joplin-missouri/page__st__380__p__715989#entry715989 Kevin Phelps was a weekend meteorologist at Joplinmet's station actually. Small world.
  19. Three weeks and a day after the tornado. Cleanup continues as a convoy of trucks carrying debris heads out of town and into SE KS to the landfills there. On a sad note, I just played Angry Birds in real life as I accidentally ejected a baby bird from his nest when I was trimming some dead limbs out. This is what Joplin High School looked like a day before the tornado and I'm sure you've seen what it looks like now (i would have sound turned off when viewing this): There was also a news story of some lady saying her weather radio didn't go off or update her enough or something? I'm not really sure what she wanted. http://www.ky3.com/videobeta/5d87d077-c90f-4f53-9a28-c4231695214a/News/Woman-says-weather-radio-didn-t-keep-family-updated-during-Joplin-tornado
  20. Well some people didn't go to the hospital. I know in my area, the people who had minor wounds just threw some peroxide on it and a bandage and called it good.
  21. It's not really a big story here. The national media seems to be sensationalizing it a great deal. The people that died were likely in bad bad shape as it was and could not fight the infection off. As far as other people, It has to do with not getting the wound completely clean and the dead vegetation/fungus fester inside the wound.
  22. What do you mean? It carved a path in a heavily residential part of Joplin. The worst is over by the high school as far as single family houses. Hampshire Terrace apartments would be up there as well. This high-res image captures the area hit hardest pretty well. http://ngs.woc.noaa....00e4105000n.jpg
  23. I don't know. I was curious about that as well. She's been on 3 different antibiotics. She says her husband is still picking pieces of wood out of his body. They are both healthy people so they should be ok.
  24. I don't think so. They are going to use the commercial and private lots already around the area. No new lots will be constructed unless more people need them. They are still phoning people that signed up as needing housing.
  25. As of June 9th City News Conference: 197,000 cubic yards of debris have been removed. Around 30,000-40,000 cubic yards removed a day. 21,454 registered volunteers 69,452 volunteer hours Not including the people who didn't register 30% of hotel/motel capacity being devoted to people without homes FEMA = 2,343 rental assistance 62 residents still at the shelter. 10 units manufactured housing units headed towards Joplin 60 total units ordered. First units installed and ready by Thursday of next week. 147 pad locations, 63 have been approved. 2,453 FEMA applications for housing.. 75 need assistance for manufactured housing. Numbers are fluid and dynamic.
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