Last night's deluge brought me up to .44" for the month. Windham county stats show .47" average precip in Oct 1935 and .26" in Oct 1924, so not a record breaker, but close enough. Things are very crispy around here.
28.9 overnight low here. Peach blossoms are out in full force. 28 is supposedly the magic number for them, so we're hanging on by a thread. Not looking forward to Wed/Fri lows.
I already had to reseed after Wednesday's deluge washed away my grass seed. Then Saturday washed some of that away. Saturday's rain could be the nail in the coffin, although I'm probably 70% sprouted already, so we could survive.
Thinking of taking the kids boogie boarding at second beach in RI this week. Is there a difference in conditions between hi and low tide for waves? Preferring to be able to wade out 3-4' deep water to catch waves, versus having the kids be over their heads.. I haven't been in at least 6 or 7 years and can't remember if it stays pretty shallow at both ends of the tide or not.