I have a question for someone at NWS about the "Cold Advisory" that they issue. We all had a Cold Advisory that originally started Monday night which originally continued to Thursday at 10 or 11 am (which completely made sense). However, when I saw that they changed it to end yesterday, I couldn't understand why, I read the forecast discussion about it on Tuesday night to see what had changed, and they mentioned that they didn't think the temperatures met the criteria. However, most of the DMV entire area was forecast to be in the single digits (I'm in Fairfax county), and it was actually 6 degrees at my house at 5 am. It wasn't this cold on Tuesday when we did have a "cold advisory". I'm just confused about the criteria for the advisory if we didn't meet that today. I assume that is why several school systems went on time today despite it actually being forecast to be colder than Tuesday (and it was in reality as well).