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Everything posted by snowmagnet

  1. So what or who determines if this is considered PD3? Does it have to be on PD weekend? Someone pointed out that this is a day after the original PD.
  2. I’m always optimistic, even when it may not be realistic. But I appreciate your insight because you will keep us focused on reality. I have learned that modeling is more than just the pretty maps. They don’t always follow the trends, so it’s useful to get insight on the actual storm progression.
  3. Yay. You deserve it. Appetizer for Wednesday?
  4. Well now we know what happened to the Canadian. Jim Cantore is coming.
  5. Probably just an off morning. At least we got the GFS!
  6. We didn’t have that kind of consistency. Once in a while we would get a fluke of the GFS spitting out 18”. Not the Euro..
  7. Analyze the drama? I’ve got a Masters degree in Counseling. So here goes. The Polar Vortex split and potential of a SECS vs HECS is having a serious impact on the mental well-being of the majority of this forum, especially those in Loudoun County, leading to Winter Bipolar Disorder and increasing symptoms of SAD. Recommend sleep, not jumping the cliff before the Euro drops a HECS, and definitely get an increase in your Lithium.
  8. My first winter on here was 2016, which I thought was a fantastic year. More storms would have been great, but I distinctly remember Ji complaining about the terrible winter.
  9. By February 4th (or before), the GFS and the Euro ensembles had remarkable consistency forecasting a storm February 11th-12th. I believe this is the most consistency we've seen in modeling 2016. The GFS definitely scored a win for this, despite some crazy numbers on and off.
  10. It's pretty unusual for DCA to get more snow than Dulles, but I think that is twice this year so far! I got 5.75" in western Fairfax. I love the wet snow on the trees. Beautiful sight!
  11. Yes! Me too. My mom loved Channel 4 and I would get very annoyed with him and loved to see him be wrong.
  12. I have a question. What is the deal about Short Pump? I hear it on here on the time, but then my daughter just went to the Short Pump mall last night! She's at school in Fredericksburg.
  13. Wait… Bob is still around? I used to watch him as a kid and loved seeing him have to up his totals!
  14. Is it keeping the Wednesday wave all snow?
  15. What are thoughts on the second part of the storm Wednesday afternoon evening? Is it still frozen or all rain? Do we know yet?
  16. That’s awful. I’m very close to 9.2 and 6.0
  17. I distinctly remember Feb 2014 - the EPS picked up storms more than a week out, lost them, and found them again. It happens often, but that month it happened a few times.
  18. That's what I'm concerned about. This isn't a new way to fail. Been there, done that.
  19. It’s interesting that a couple of days ago it looked like we would be missing out on the show to our north and worrying about a mix or rain. I still think the purple will trend a little north back to where it was for several days. At least I hope so!
  20. It’s still in windshield wiper mode- not unusual at this point. North and south shift. Yesterday it looked like the frozen line was moving north, but I think it’s a good sign that the GFS and Euro moved south and that they are getting closer to each other. NWS has been alluding to the I-66 and 50 corridors as the bullseye. We are 4 days out at this point.
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