I’m one of the weird people who is happy to track snow through March and even early April. We’ve had plenty of good storms in March, but this year has been really frustrating for a good part of this forum. The pandemic adds an extra layer of frustration since people are antsy to get outside and enjoy some nice weather. I can see why many people are ready to move on to Spring
I was really disappointed to not see any snow this morning... I guess the NAM strikes again. Couldn't the ICON be right for once? It looks like we got a coating of snow before the light sleet set in earlier. It's sleeting pretty heavily now in Fairfax at 25 degrees.
Any chance for a changeover to snow sometime today?
I don't know if it is relevant, but last week, I was watching it snow and later sleet at my house for many hours, but the weather apps and radar said rain. And the other day, it was showing snow on radar, while it was definitely raining.
Over-performing down here:(
28 and mostly sleet covering the sidewalks and streets here in Fairfax
Of course- the models get it right when it’s sleet and ice.
I was just going to ask about the MJO. I feel like it hasn't been mentioned too much lately, maybe because we have been focused on having a -AO/-NAO. Hopefully we still have a chance at something before March!
Fairfax Co and Prince William are getting basically zilch from this "event", other than about .2" of snow and sleet. I'm seeing all of these snow reports from less than an hour away --north, east and west. Just looked outside and counted a few pity flakes.
I looked at the thermometer as it said 41, then walked outside only to hear my daughter announce that it was snowing. Barely, but definitely frozen. Back inside now, so I’ll just keep assuming that it’s still snow.
Fairfax area
Thanks for the optimism and trying to mitigate the meltdowns. The other thread is a total disaster and some of us are trying to find comfort in the next week threats...
I like that analogy. That was a distinct overperformer and very location dependent. it was dumping snow in Fairfax during the morning rush while it was doing almost nothing over the beltway in Silver Spring.
I'm having a hard time keeping track of all these storms. The theme of these 2 weeks falls in line with the name of the thread.. MERGED! I like having one or 2 big storms, but a few inches here and there works.
Before I found this forum, I followed DT through several winters. In 2013-2015, he was actually pretty darn accurate much of the time. His videos are actually quite educational for those of us who don’t know all the science of meteorology. I know he has some biases and can get annoying, but his posts are generally informative for the general public.
I have known someone that would keep milk in the freezer though...never tried it, but I buy shelf-stable milk for emergencies. I think most people are used to stocking up for 2 weeks since Covid.
I took a lovely Jebwalk with my new puppy soon after it switched to snow, which was probably close to 7. We have about an inch on the ground now in Fairfax.