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Everything posted by snowmagnet

  1. I appreciate when you pop on here to keep people from jumping off the ledge. I don't think the models can handle things in the long run, especially when the Pac is throwing a wrench in things. We have seen this all winter. This current pattern can't last, so something has to give. Or maybe it will and California will be under water much earlier than predicted.
  2. At least there is something to track. I think that's what everyone here needs most of all. I'm hopeful that we will luck out with something by mid-January!
  3. We often get good storms within a couple of days of really warm temperatures. Most recently that happened last January, but it is pretty common around here. I'm always hearing people say, "its too warm to snow", or "it won't stick" when we are predicting a coastal storm 2 days after it hits 60 or 70. I could be wrong, but I seem to recall it was pretty warm just a couple days before Jan '16 too.
  4. We had a sudden burst of rain and wind which quickly changed to heavy sleet for about 5 minutes or less. and back to rain again. Pretty cool.
  5. Oh I did, and I realize he is talking about non-nino years. I just general don’t recall very many years where we do have snow before January. I’m just trying to rationalize my way into staying optimistic.
  6. We don’t typically get snow in December, unless my memory is really bad. It always seems that snow before January is pretty rare around here. At least in the past 25 years or so.
  7. Rooting for the GFS to bring this home. It did well last January with our surprise New Year storm!
  8. That’s the one. We were at a Caps game and went in to warm, pouring rain and came out to a snow covered parking lot where we couldn’t find the car.
  9. Did that storm start as warm rain and then quickly change over to heavy snow in a few hours?
  10. There are more than 2 that have at least some blue over most of the area. It’s not terrible.
  11. That was hilarious! Really creative! We need a good laugh after the roller coaster ride!
  12. I think most of us would be happy with 3-6 just before Christmas. I think that seems a reasonable request. We can hold off for our HECS until Jan/Feb.
  13. Didn’t the GFS sniff out the Jan snowstorm 1st last year?
  14. I would be happy with something in between the Euro and GFS. 1’-2’ of snow 2 days before Christmas is just a bit much.
  15. So the GFS is offering up snow on snow on snow the 23rd, 26th, 29th.., thé CMC has rain, and the Euro has dry and cold?? Am I following this right?
  16. I'm usually in the camp that roots for the storm of the century, but that needs to wait until January 2nd. I'm in camp 4: 2"-4" on the ground by Christmas, but not enough to cause travel headaches.
  17. I’m assuming that’s sarcasm? There were 118 posts posts from the time I went to bed to morning. 3 pages, I believe.
  18. How soon is this storm hitting the I-81 corridor on Wednesday? I know friends who have students coming back to nova from colleges tomorrow….
  19. I have nothing useful to add except that It’s so good to be tracking storms again with this crew. Glad to see that people haven’t changed over the past year. I’m always the optimist when it comes to snow storms, so I’m happy for something to track the next 2 weeks and hopefully more to come in the New Year!
  20. I was coming home to southern MD from college for Thanksgiving of '89, so I can assure you we got snow The rain changed to snow around Lake Anna on my way up I-95. It was a very long drive home.
  21. That would be about the same time as the 2009 snowstorm. I think that was around Dec 16th-18th?
  22. Dec 2009 was a really fun tracking event from more than a week away. I'm just an amateur, but an avid snowstorm lover. I didn't use Twitter or this forum back then, but I have a distinct memory of watching a lot of Howard Bernstein and following Foot's Forecast on Facebook. I loved that storm because we had snow on the ground for Christmas and we had a nice long winter break. Altogether, 2009-2010 is my favorite winter, but Jan 2016 was the best event for me. I think that was my first winter on this forum and it was amazing. It is so nice to resonate with a community of winter weather lovers! It's definitely the most wonderful time of the year! Happy tracking, everyone!
  23. Walked my dog this morning - 41 degrees at 7:30. I shouldn't have needed gloves at the end of April.
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