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Everything posted by snowmagnet

  1. There is a lot of positivity here. It’s good to see HH actually “happy” for a change!
  2. I will take the second storm that is during the week. Tired of these weekend rainstorms. And teachers desperately need a snow day.
  3. This works quite well. It also fits in the timeframe that you and Chuck said would be prime.
  4. So if I'm looking for snow the first week of April, should I opt for Vermont or Montreal/ Quebec area?
  5. I’m very excited about your optimism! You’ve been right all winter, unfortunately. So there is only one way to go from here!
  6. Chuck is all in, and PSU is interested. That’s quite a change from the past 3 months.
  7. We could re-open the rockin’ February thread for Saturday and the 28th!
  8. Of course it’s the weekend. We’ve got snow days to use up and can’t get any mid-week storms.
  9. I walked out in the deck this morning and realized it was sleeting, while the weather channel radar showed snow. There was definitely no snow, but sleet for a bit at 41 degrees.
  10. It’s all part of the game. We win rarely and lose usually, but that’s risk in tracking. For me the most frustrating ones are when the tracking goes well for days and days leading up to the event, only to end up as too warm, too dry, or too far south. Some of the most interesting storms are those that thread the needle or rely on deformation.
  11. I was in Charles county where we got unexpectedly hammered with about 13” that day.
  12. I say we need to keep this thread. It’s actually the late February thread, so maybe we can fake out whatever is trying to keep us from getting snow.
  13. I was just thinking of Jan 2011 too. We can do deform well around here if it threads the needle.
  14. I’m so confused. One person says it’s gone, then you say it looks great. ???
  15. Phil called it, so it’s happening. I believe we can salvage this winter.
  16. So much for February rockin’. More like “doom and gloom for the next decade”. I’ll take Jebman’s optimism and hope our .5 “ is a precursor for a better end of winter.
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