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Everything posted by snowmagnet

  1. Getting some very light snow now...
  2. Yeah, I work in a middle school. We've had a ton of sickness going around. I was really hoping last week's storm would have given us enough to keep us out of school Wed-Friday to clear the germs, but no such luck.
  3. I think DC is famously the snow hole. Radar seems to agree this time. Wrong side of the magnet - looks like we are repelling.
  4. Thanks- I thought maybe it was a fever hallucination. Lol.
  5. You rang? I am snowmagnet. Just sitting at home stuck with sick days instead of snow days. Flu for the win. But I think I spy some tiny flurries outside my window here in Western Fairfax.
  6. My hesitation during today's debacle storm was that we hadn't heard from you. It should have been a red flag...
  7. Was it supposed to start this early?
  8. Wow. He's right. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/ten-worst-storms-in-dc-history/60569/ Jan 22-24, 2016 - Friday to Sunday Snowmageddon - Friday to Saturday Blizzard of 1996- Saturday to Monday
  9. You know we all secretly hope that he's right this time...
  10. This place is pretty funny when we have already accepted failure.
  11. So you are saying we should trust in the NAM and plan for our 6” this week.
  12. If they are getting rid of the NAM, what short-range models will they use?
  13. Not Dec 17, 2009. That was well modeled for over a week. I followed Howard Bernstein at that time. He was really good at explaining the phasing.
  14. I don’t know if the NAM predicted that one, but it was around March 8th, 1999. It was a disaster out here in Fairfax where the snow was a beat down in the morning. I called my office in Silver Spring, but it was barely snowing on the other side of the beltway. We ended up with around 8-12”, but roads were clear by afternoon.
  15. Do we still have the NAM and the SREF?
  16. That’s not true. He follows the Euro usually, but there are many factors. It often depends on the type of storm and he explains why one sometimes has bias. And he points out that there are problems with the global when you get closer to an event. I followed him in 2014 before I discovered this group and I found him to often disagree with tv Mets and he was usually correct. But that was also a good February. Sometimes he is very wrong.
  17. This! You have a lot of pressure on you and it’s really not fair that so many blame the messenger. People want to know if there is a chance of snow, and then they get pissed at the meteorologists when it doesn’t happen. It’s way too stressful. I love the banter on this forum of bipolar snow nerds. It’s a great place to geek out over pretty snow maps and learn something about nature and meteorology in the process.
  18. Why do we always remember the storms that weren’t? What about these surprises ? Veterans Day 1987, March 1999, Ji’s storm in January 2022.
  19. Thanks for sharing. I follow Justin and haven’t read FB yet today.
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