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About snowmagnet

  • Birthday April 23

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Interests
    Love tracking snowstorms

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  1. Getting some very light snow now...
  2. Yeah, I work in a middle school. We've had a ton of sickness going around. I was really hoping last week's storm would have given us enough to keep us out of school Wed-Friday to clear the germs, but no such luck.
  3. I think DC is famously the snow hole. Radar seems to agree this time. Wrong side of the magnet - looks like we are repelling.
  4. Thanks- I thought maybe it was a fever hallucination. Lol.
  5. You rang? I am snowmagnet. Just sitting at home stuck with sick days instead of snow days. Flu for the win. But I think I spy some tiny flurries outside my window here in Western Fairfax.
  6. My hesitation during today's debacle storm was that we hadn't heard from you. It should have been a red flag...
  7. Was it supposed to start this early?
  8. Wow. He's right. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/ten-worst-storms-in-dc-history/60569/ Jan 22-24, 2016 - Friday to Sunday Snowmageddon - Friday to Saturday Blizzard of 1996- Saturday to Monday
  9. You know we all secretly hope that he's right this time...
  10. This place is pretty funny when we have already accepted failure.
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