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Everything posted by Kleimax

  1. Getting some light ZR in Towson
  2. 1 inch of sleet measured in Owings mills
  3. Sleet & ZR now in Owings Mills
  4. At what point does this become hail
  5. Straight up chunks of ice falling from the sky right now
  6. I’ve seen hail as big as this omg
  7. Wow it’s literally as if a summertime thunderstorm just rolled in and the sky has just opened up with a 50/50 mix of snow and sleet here. The sleet is absolutely massive line little meteorites
  8. Snow starting to take over here In Owings Mills in this heavy banding! Rippage
  9. I’m getting almost all sleet here now in Owings mills, but snow does keep trying to mix back in. Once we get a heavy band down here I think it’ll be mostly snow
  10. @mattie g it won’t let me post a link for some reason. Go to marylandwx.com click on radar, change to correlation coefficient. It seems like when the heavier returns are overhead the sleet is subsiding. Over the last few frames that sleet looks less over Baltimore County.
  11. On CC radar it does appear the sleet is getting mixed out to snow
  12. Snow sleet mix in Owings mills now!
  13. This sucks but at least it got me off work. Don’t hear any pingers right now in Owings mills. Too lazy to go check and be disappointed it’s not snow.
  14. Sleet woke me up in Owings Mills. What a disaster
  15. LWX bringing that 6-8 further south. This is from 3am
  16. Oklahoma can get a foot of snow, but we can’t. FFS
  17. 2.8 inches just measured here in Owings Mills. Streets are slushy. Snow sticking to everything
  18. Roads starting to whiten now in Owings Mills. Getting under this yellow band
  19. Measured 1.3 here in Owings mills. Roads haven’t caved yet, everything else has. Snow sliding off cars. It’s a very dense wet snow
  20. The moment you’ve all been waiting for just saw this lol
  21. They also upped the expected totals in the WWA to 3-5 for us north Baltimore peeps. Hopefully we can finally get a decent snow!
  22. LWX Bumped up the detailed forecast snowfall amount here in Owings Mills. Originally it said 1-3 inches tonight, now it says 3-5 inches. W
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