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Everything posted by Grayman

  1. I mean I don’t get it. Some guys post boom then 20 minutes later it’s over. Weird
  2. Cliff driving weenie alert in 3 2 1
  3. Guys, there is a obs thread. I don’t care either way but it might be easier to put OBs there. No worries from me either way . Just a suggestion
  4. 43 and partly cloudy in Rockingham NC. Aka the gate to hell for snow lovers
  5. lol. I’m 50 miles south of you and no WWA or Winter storm warning. wWA 15 miles north of me. Good luck. I’m use to this lol
  6. Randolph county does well also . It’s south of GSO
  7. Can I ask a dumb question? What the best way to see this 850 on the models? Pick any model as I am trying to learn
  8. I agree. Brad P just posted that the snow trend was slightly south. He include Charlotte in the 1 inch range. Dang this is tough.
  9. I know how you feel. I’m in full chase mode Friday. I’m going to find me snow somehow
  10. Agree. It took away my half inch. Damn
  11. Is this all the way through the run.?
  12. I’m still stuck at hour 48 on 3k nam on pivotal weather
  13. Wow! No pun intended but that’s nice. I’m 70 miles East and not much. Location location . I bet you would cash it and go home. Lol
  14. Good luck to you sir. I just live in a really bad area . Maybe we will have our day. Need a good ole southern slider . But not too far south I’ve missed a bunch of times that way. Really interested in the hi res models tonight
  15. Listening to you guys talk about your poor area. I live in Rockingham and would happy to see a flake . You big dogs in Foothills and NE peidmont of NC to share with poor folks down south
  16. What is the difference between the RGM and the Rgps?
  17. I’m not in the game at all . In South central NC. This was too far north for me
  18. It that verifies you will have some very lucky folks but the whining thread would be a epic meltdown
  19. Yes , something was just weird about that run.
  20. Very weird run. It’s like the moisture separated and then just stayed over the mountains.
  21. It’s the whiners thread. I live in the worst place for snow in NC. Rockingham. We always find ways, miss mostly north and west, then we miss East on coastal storms, then southern sliders to the south. I know I whine I whine lol
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