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Jeff Co Vol

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Everything posted by Jeff Co Vol

  1. Same here. We don’t get this opportunity very often so I’m gonna soak up some falling snow.
  2. Hard rain in White Pine at 1:10. Wind is picking up pretty good now, too.
  3. I came down the NJ Turnpike one night in black ice conditions. I was in the emergency lane in 4x4 low (5 mph) and cars were flying by me. I will conservatively say that I saw 200 wrecked vehicles that night. At one point I drove 4 hours and traveled 20 miles, with no traffic holdups or delays other than the weather.
  4. Smartway cam at I-40/24 junction (213.2 mile marker) is better than watching TV. Solid sheet of ice. Cars bumping other cars and continuing to motor down the highway. I watched an 18 wheeler push several cars out of his way and keep on trucking. People are out of vehicles walking around on the interstate, pushing cars, etc. It’s some crazy stuff. I really feel sorry for those folks.
  5. Looks like snow at the 40/75 split
  6. Lying in bed listening to a torrential rain hit my metal roof and suddenly at about 3:48 a.m. it went quiet. I got up to check and it was about an 80/20 snow/rain mixture with huge flakes. Less than 5 minutes later it was basically all snow. I have never witnessed that before - it was almost instantaneous.
  7. It’s all good, Powell. I was not looking to discredit, but to inform. I really enjoy your Weatherquest threads over on VQ, by the way. If the natives there would stop feeding the trolls, the threads would be so much more enjoyable.
  8. Actually, Fulky and Yves have both been on teams that lost at Rupp. In the 2018/2019 season, UK defeated UT in Lexington. UT has won 3 of the last four there, though.
  9. The UT coaching searches are now the most exciting part of UT football. This particular search has been exceptionally entertaining. Thanks to those of you who post weather stuff for the novices like me to read.
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