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About Hurricaneguy

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  • Location:
    Greene County, TN

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  1. I read the 0z suite would have the best data yet. HRRR and NAM have changed horribly. I’ll wait on the others but if Icon, GFS, etc fall apart this bad it’s not gonna end well
  2. NAM disaster. If the rest of the 0z follows suit then folks I think it’s about time to say next.
  3. 00z HRRR horrible for East TN. Major mixing issues especially as the system exits. Not good
  4. More areas south of 81 until it meets the split at 40. Specially Cocke, Greene, Washington, etc
  5. I expect MRX to continue to trend down for the area south of I81. Even with the newest HRRR in range, it shows a brutal snow hole over parts of Greene and Washington Co. Mixing issues. Just unbelievable the luck. We've not had a 6"+ snow since 2014. Last decent snow was the Christmas Eve fun 2020
  6. Nothing has changed my mind yet on mixing issues for areas south of I81 in East TN. Still thinking 1-2'' max for those areas assuming slush doesnt wash most away like last year.
  7. Models seesawing across the region. Beginning to feel less confident in anything decent for East TN. 2” if we are lucky. I just think mixing issues are going to show per usual. Hopefully we have enough room for another good opportunity.
  8. For real! I'm mega scarred from last year's letdown in Greeneville. Everyone celebrating while I'm surrounded by slush. I'm cautiously optimistic for Friday. Honestly dont even know if I can get excited this time until the ground is completely white. Last time that happened March surprise storm 2022 btw
  9. Fully convinced this will be a whole lotta nothing for East TN. I was in the warm nose last Jan. Still salty about it. Winters are just not the same anymore.
  10. After my snow dreams were crushed by the warm nose yesterday I’m not betting against the models showing the warm nose again this Friday. Not getting burned twice in one week. Hope we get a nice surprise.
  11. It's been snowing steady all morning here in Greeneville. Ironically I think I have more snow this morning than all yesterday combined.
  12. This ranks to me as one of biggest busts in memory for Greeneville. So frustrating especially when we see all the amazing totals from areas nearby. Would be lying if I said I wasn’t mad.
  13. I'm glad to hear that! Wild that it's still rain here and we are only four miles apart
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