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Posts posted by Newman

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

    Death band only 10 miles wide at best has been centered over my area since 6AM. Just went in the field and measured 3.1" on the snowboard. Still sn- nothing heavy but adding small increments to what has already accumulated. 2nd largest snowfall of the season no complaints here.

    Hey Ralphie, can we make this thread the one and only thread for the weekend events? I think it would be better if we just had one thread to stick with, as long as people specify what storms their talking about, etc.

  2. I think the I-95 area will battle sleet and rain for the most part, although it's close. There's clearly a warm layer up top. For those 30 miles or so NW of Philly, it's going to likely be a wet isothermal bomb. However, if the I-95 area can cool the column enough, they could easily see a wet paste job. Temps are very marginal and it'll come down to snow rates and dynamic cooling aloft. 


  3. 1 minute ago, KamuSnow said:

    Might be a little rainy tonight down here in extreme SE PA but looks good up your way.

    Yeah the I-95 area should start as rain and maybe turn to some snow as it ends. But even up here the snow should be fairly wet. I'm expecting 2 maybe 3 inches not 6 inches like the NAM shows lol.

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